2016 Log

Bench and DL support


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings, EMOM heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 7 x1-130. Stuffed up positioning for the last rep and called it there. Aiming to get to 10 and will micro-load based on average RIR.

Pendlay rows; 1 x5-70. 3 x5-120. Plenty of room to load. Trying to find the balance between work on the back and not overly DL’ing it up will take a few sessions.

DL to heavy single, || stance; 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 250. Did a few extra slack pulls practices. Still work to do in converting the counter balance into bar-bend.

Incline bench, sink-pause, pinkies to rings; 2 x5, 1 x4-100.
Super WG pull-ups, lean back, gorilla grip; 3 x6-bw.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
Nil, extreme heat
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Lower dominant everything day


5min wake-up walk

DL, heavy singles, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 220, 4 x1-250. Practicing the bar bend and slack pull. Wasted a bit of time but I really want to get it back to apex levels.

SSB SQ, sleeves, clustered triples; 1 x3-82. 4 x3-142. RPE circa 5-6. I’ll bumo for next week.

2ct super-wide Bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 3 x4-90. Keeping RPE low to start with.
BB rows, head down; 1 x5-120. 3 x5-140.

CG axle hypers, #8 50deg; 2 x10-80.
Standing banded abs, SSB leg brace; 2 x20-IE blue band.


Rows to go on Monday and Thursday, vertical pulls on Tuesday and Friday. Probably squats on Tuesday as well and Nightmare DLs on Friday, without anything beyond the squat top set on Tuesday for axial loading.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Volume day


10min wake-up walk

Incline bench, index to rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-110.@9, @9, @9.5.
Chin-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x8-bw+15kgs@9, @9, @9.5.

Nightmare DL, 2pump & rep; 1 x1-70, 120, 170. 4 x1-200.

DB preachers; 3 x8-DB+12.5kgs.
JM press; 3 x8-45kgs.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Belt squats, knees forward, toes out a bit; 3 x10-125kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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