2016 Log

Bench and DL support


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings, EMOM heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 7 x1-130. Stuffed up positioning for the last rep and called it there. Aiming to get to 10 and will micro-load based on average RIR.

Pendlay rows; 1 x5-70. 3 x5-120. Plenty of room to load. Trying to find the balance between work on the back and not overly DL’ing it up will take a few sessions.

DL to heavy single, || stance; 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 250. Did a few extra slack pulls practices. Still work to do in converting the counter balance into bar-bend.

Incline bench, sink-pause, pinkies to rings; 2 x5, 1 x4-100.
Super WG pull-ups, lean back, gorilla grip; 3 x6-bw.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
Nil, extreme heat
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Rest day

112.4 social food yesterday, a bit overloaded in gut and with sodium.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Lower dominant everything day


5min wake-up walk

DL, heavy singles, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 220, 4 x1-250. Practicing the bar bend and slack pull. Wasted a bit of time but I really want to get it back to apex levels.

SSB SQ, sleeves, clustered triples; 1 x3-82. 4 x3-142. RPE circa 5-6. I’ll bumo for next week.

2ct super-wide Bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 3 x4-90. Keeping RPE low to start with.
BB rows, head down; 1 x5-120. 3 x5-140.

CG axle hypers, #8 50deg; 2 x10-80.
Standing banded abs, SSB leg brace; 2 x20-IE blue band.


Rows to go on Monday and Thursday, vertical pulls on Tuesday and Friday. Probably squats on Tuesday as well and Nightmare DLs on Friday, without anything beyond the squat top set on Tuesday for axial loading.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Volume day


10min wake-up walk

Incline bench, index to rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-110.@9, @9, @9.5.
Chin-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x8-bw+15kgs@9, @9, @9.5.

Nightmare DL, 2pump & rep; 1 x1-70, 120, 170. 4 x1-200.

DB preachers; 3 x8-DB+12.5kgs.
JM press; 3 x8-45kgs.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Belt squats, knees forward, toes out a bit; 3 x10-125kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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DL focused day

Skipped weigh-in. Guy is really unhappy after too many greens, FODMAPs and fibre for a few days.

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 240, 250, 260, 270@9.5 speed. Got it on the first go around. Not a grinder but not speedy, just had to hold the brace. No issues with the break.

Back offs; 1 x5-230. Plenty of RIR in the tank. This is a good trade off between load exposure volume, and improving my bracing endurance.

RDLs, beltless; 2 x5-180.

4-2-0 Tempo Larsen bench; 1 x4-70. 3
Woolam rows; 3 x3-150. Add a rep to each set next week.

Leg extension; 2 x16-40.
Leg curls; 2 x12-30.
Sit-ups, plate behind head, 6mats; 2 x10-bw+10kgs.
Giant set. Probably add a third round back in for next week.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench focused day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings, heavy singles EMOM; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 8 x1-130.

Chin-ups, clustered singles EMOM; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-bw+20kgs. 10 x1-bw+40kgs. Mostly RIR1 up until the last three which were all @0.

Zercher squats: 2 x5-70. Going to add mats next week. If the setup doesn’t get resolved then I will go back to front squats.

WG neutral pull-ups; 3 x8-bw.
Incline bench, sink pause, pinkies with on rings; 3 x5-100.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Lower focused accessories day

Forgot weigh-in. Absurdly hot and humid this morning. Will pace things, the garage is close to 30c.

10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy singles-clustered triple, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x3-120, 170, 220, 250. The first at 250 moved like molasses. I realised I wasn’t bringing my knees forward and did that for the next, then it moved like the heated sword through butter.

SSB SQ, sleeves, clustered sets of triples; 1
X3-82. 4 x3-152.

2ct bench; 1 x5-70. 3 x2-120@8.5, @8, @8.
BB rows; 4 x7-140.

CG axle hypers, #8 50deg; 2 x10-80. Tucking the chin strongly continues to work really well for targeting the erectors.
Sit-ups, plate behind head, 6mats; 2 x10-bw+10kgs.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Upper focused accessory day


10min wake-up walk

Incline bench; 1 x10-70. 2 x5-110@9, 8.5,
CG chin-ups, continuous; 1 x5-bw. 3 x5-bw+25kgs@9, @9, @9.5. A nice variation to the Tuesday’s grip width.

Nightmare DLs, 2pump&rep, hook grip; 1 x1-70, 120, 170. 5 x1-200. Might add 2.5kgs next week. Rate of load increase won’t need to be too severe for these, given the heavily fatigued state of execution.

OHP, pinkies on rings; 1 x4-70. Slight push press action, my goal atm is to use the heavy controlled eccentric to get my shoulders use to moving this way again in an optimal(ish) bar path.

DB preachers; 3 x9-DB+12.5kgs.
JM press, paused; 3 x8-45kgs.
Belt squats, squat wedge; 3 x8-125kgs.
Neck extensions, increased ROM; 3 x15-30kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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DL focused day

Skipped weigh-in. Too sodium loaded to care. Overslept a bit. Feeling very under slept and under recovered. Significant dispute at work impacting things, and probably should avoid alcohol moving forward - it seems to really disrupt training these days.

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 250, 260, 270@9.5 speed.

Back off set; 1 x6-230. Nothing is moving quickly today but the work still has to be done.

RDLs, beltless; 2 x5-180.

4-2-0 tempo Larsen bench; 3 x4-90.
Woolam rows; 3 x3-150.
These rows might be better as turtleshell off the floor.

Leg extension; 2 x15-40.
Leg curls; 2 x12-30.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 2 x12-bw+10kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Bench and back day

112.9 severe gastric bloating overnight. Not sure what I ate but it caused gas and pain so bad it woke me up and kept me awake. Sodium high from recent social events. Things will tilt back down soon. Definitely have some extra muscle compared to a few months back as well.

5min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings, EMOM clustered singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 8 x1-130.

Chin-ups, EMOM clustered singles; 1 x5-bw. 1 x1-bw+20kgs. 10 x1-bw+40kgs.

Gut discomfort significantly impacting me.

Incline press, pinkies on rings, sink pause; 3 x5-100.

WG chin-ups; 3 x10-bw.

Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw+2 x15kg plates.
Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Lower focused accessories day

112.6 right hip flexor flexor inflammation is really frustrating things at the moment.

5min knees-up marching, 5min wake-up walk.

DL to heavy clustered top set, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x3-170, 220. 5 x1-250.

SSB, sleeves, clustered triples; 1 x3-82. 4 x3-152@7, @7, @7, @7. Just want to take slightly lower for the next two weeks before a minor load bump.

BB rows; 4 x5-150. I need stronger forearms and brachi’s.
2ct bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 3 x2-120@9, @8, @8.

CG axle hypers, #8 50deg; 1 x10-90kgs.
Bench-sit-ups, legs pad-locked; 1 x15-bw. Felt really good and better than on the floor. Will add 5kgs next time. Definitely worked the frustrated flexor. A few sessions will tell me if it’s helpful or obstructive.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Upper focused accessories day


10min wake-up walk

Incline press, pinkies on rings; 1 x10. 3 x5-110@9, @9, @9.

CG chin-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x5-bw. 15 x1-bw+25kgs.

Nightmare DLs. 2pumps&rep, hook; 1 x1-70, 120, 170. 4 x1-210. No pop today, probably means yesterday was effective.

DB preachers; 2 x6-DB+13.75kgs.
CG triceps press; 2 x6-60kgs.
Belt squats, close stance, knees forward, 6mat deficit; 2 x5-125.
Neck extensions; 2 x20-30kgs.
Giant sets.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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DL focused day

113.3 lots of sodium and gut bloat. Was away camping this weekend and the food choices shift a bit. Should level down reasonably quickly.

5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270@9-9.5 speed. Not a great slack pull but the leg drive was unyielding and core held without trouble.

Back offs; 1 x4-230. Didn’t grind the 5th, trying to go to closer than RIR1 on rep work.

4-2-0 tempo bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x5-70. 2 x3-100.
Seated DLs, 6mats+6EVA; 2 x3-230.

Jefferson curls, beltless, 12 mats; 2 x8-120.

Leg extensions; 2 x15-40.
Leg curls; 2 x10-30.
Sit-ups on bench, legs locked, plate behind head; 2 x15-bw+5kgs. Will try 10kgs next time.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench focused day

112.9 feeling a little sluggish but ok. Either way work the way it is until April, I expect stress will have a relevant factor until then.

10min wake-up walk

Bench press, clustered singles EMOM, pinkies to rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 6 x1-130. The form feels good but I’m out of practice.

Chin-ups, clustered singles EMOM; 1 x5-bw. 1 x1-bw+20kgs. 8 x1-bw+40kgs. Solid singles today, definitely improving. Don’t think I’ll be bumping the weight just yet but these were all full reps without death-grinding.

Incline press, index to rings; 2 x4-110@9, @8.5,
Chin-ups; 2 x4-bw+25kgs@9, @9.5.

Triceps band pressdowns; 2 x15-IE blue band. I like these because it uses the triceps with the lats fairly contracted, like a bench.

Standing pulley abs; 2 x20-50kgs.

Daily walks
1 x60min
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Lower focused assistance day

111.4 right flexor feeling shit again. I’m forming the view that I’m doing too much sitting while it’s pissed off, which is aggravating it further. Will try to incorporate more standing desk time.

5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL to heavy top set, || stance, clustered singles; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220. 5 x1-250. First rep was shit. 2 thru 5 I focused on bringing me to the bar rather than the reverse and they popped up nicely.

SSQ SQ, sleeves, clustered triples; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@8, 162@8, 162@9. Wanted to move forward on load and build up exposure for a bit.

BB rows, tucked chin; 4 x5-150.
Larsen dead bench from pins, pinkies on rings; 1 x5-70, 3 x3-100. I liked these a lot, but need to continue focusing on not sleeping on my shoulders/sides. Makes for a lot of discomfort to unravel.

CG axle hypers, #8 50deg; 2 x10-90.
Sit-ups on bench, legs locked, plate behind head; 2 x6-bw+15kgs. Flexor was feeling it but otherwise the load is fine. Kept it light on volume so as not to risk anything stupid.

Daily walks
1 x60min
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