Come across an interesting conjugate layout today, thought I would share it with you;
ME Lower
Squat variation 1-5 RM
Deadlift variation 1-5 RM
Upper back/hamstring accessories
ME Upper
Bench Variation 1-5 RM
Bench Assistance (floor press, incline etc...) work up to heavy set of 3-8 reps
Chest & Tricep Accessories
Comp/Vol Lower
Comp Squat 4-6 sets x 2-3 reps @80-90% or 8-9RPE
Quad Accessories
Comp/Vol Upper
Comp Bench 4-6 sets x 2-3 reps @80-90% or 8-9RPE
Shoulder and Bicep Accessories
Might play around with that set up for when it comes to my comp prep. Im sure you could ditch bench in favour of OHP and add some more dead lifts in there