4th cycle

  • Thread starter imported_hotterdog
  • Start date


1 Jan 2008

Happy New Year one & all.
after 9 days of SD over e christmas
wkend, I'll start my 4th cycle morrow
din gain any weight after 3rd cycle,
I'll weigh myself morrow for actual

let me gain some weight then.....
A few pointers:
1.) Weigh every day and total the last 7, then divide by 7. That's your true weight, allowing for water and poop fluctuations.
2.) If you use a spring scale, make sure it's in a temp controlled room. I found that they weigh you as less when they are cold, more when hot.
3.) The scale is used in conjunction with the mirror and/or calipers, observing BF. By itself, weight is not an indicator of lean mass.
4.) It IS possible that you lost fat and gained mass, but it is a rarity for any intermediate lifter. Usually, if you didn't gain weight, you didn't eat.
5.) The first week or so of bulking you feel like a bursting balloon. It takes a bit to acclimate to the extra cals.
There are a hundred threads in here about bulking. Look for posts by Tot, Lol, Bluejacket, Aaron, Dan Moore, Bulldog, our new guy Quantum or me. And many others. Bulking is one thing I can do well, heheh.

Bulking is pretty easy. Cutting is another story.
erm quadancer, out of the 8 bulkers'
name which u've given, whose do
you think is the best worth reading?
(be neutral cause u're in it lol),
i can't be going through all 8 threads,
god knows how many pages are there in between them.

thanks in advance
ok my 4th cycle has started kicking in.
lunch time cardio is now just slow & low
intensity cardio.

threadmill walking @ 5% incline
31 mins at 3 mph/4.8 km/hr
dist: 2.44 km, cals 170

1) side lateral raises 7.5 kg x 15 x 3
superset with
2) rear lateral machines 40 ibs x 15 x 2
30 ibs x 15 x 1

(40 felt a bit heavy to superset together
after my SD)

ok, will post actual workout in evening.
looking forward to it... wish i can
say e same for work...
sorry forgot to mention my weight
is still stuck at 62 kg or around
136.4 ibs. at least it din drop over
the holidays. will try to gain 2 kg
or 4.4 ibs, not sure if it's possible though.
wk 1 day 1, 2nd Jan 08, mon
(1 x 15)

1) barbell squats: 110 ibs x 15
2) incline bench press: 95 ibs x 15
3) pendlay rows: 80 ibs x 15
4) front military press: 70 ibs x 15
5) barbell shrugs: 110 ibs x 15
6) ez barbell curls: 55 ibs x 15
7) close grip benchpress: 110 ibs x 15
8) deadlift: 160 ibs x 15

issit only me or do u guys feel that
u 're like catching yr breath when
u're in your 15's weeks? like doing cardio....
(hotterdog @ Jan. 02 2008,07:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">issit only me or do u guys feel that
u 're like catching yr breath when
u're in your 15's weeks? like doing cardio....
same for me, especially with squat &amp; deadlift
(hotterdog @ Jan. 02 2008,01:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">erm quadancer, out of the 8 bulkers'
name which u've given, whose do
you think is the best worth reading?
(be neutral cause u're in it lol),
i can't be going through all 8 threads,
god knows how many pages are there in between them.

thanks in advance  
As I'd said, look for threads on bulking; read closely any posts by these guys, but I won't advocate anyone over another: we all have some different experiences and together our knowledge pools into things that work. Exersize is sometimes goal/individual/situation specific, but diet more properly follows narrower guidelines. You don't eat; you don't gain. You eat less, you lose. Everything else is just tweaking IMO.
You will find two camps: bulk and cut camp and the slow bulk and slow cut camp. (where I live due to age only) There is another that advocates no cuts and no bulks, but a certain dietary lifestyle that can build bodies regardless; but this is most often in debate .
All I can tell you overall is if what you're doing is not working, stop doing it. Leave the dead horse on the trail and get a new mount, see how it runs.
Lastly, BB'ing is simple at first, but to continue beyond your initial easy gains, you have to get smarter, lift smarter, eat smarter. Don't think you're gonna be able to ignore failures, pains, outside activities that drain you, sleep, or such and become an iron monster. It's hard enough to maintain dedication at times as it is, let alone when things slow down or go wrong.
The mind of a champion sees the winning outcome, motivates the body and self to do whatever it takes, and that will take a bit of reading. Do it and succeed.
No carpenter can build a house worth anything without learning, practice, and effort.
I hope I don't sound too high and mighty; I've made a lot of mistakes thru the years. They taught me. Others mistakes have saved me from more of them.
ok quadancer will go find them.

wk 1 day 1, 4th Jan 08, fri

skip my lunch time cardio
just did some minor works
sleepy, want to sleep after lunch.

1) side lateral raises: 10 kg x 15 x 3
2) rear lat machines 30 ibs x 15 x 3
3) triceps pressdown: 100 ibs x 15 x 2 (just for fun)
(shitty machine, so it's not actully tat heavy)
wk 1 day 1, 4th Jan 08, fri
(1 x 15)

1) barbell squats: 120 ibs x 15
2) incline bench press: 95 ibs x 15
3) pendlay rows: 90 ibs x 15
4) front military press: 75 ibs x 15
5) barbell shrugs: 120 ibs x 15
6) ez barbell curls: 60 ibs x 15
7) close grip benchpress: 120 ibs x 15

skip deadlifts, missed my pre training meal
due to work. added in some minor stuff to round

1) standing calf raises : 220 ibs x 8 x 3
2) reverse barbell curl : 10 kg x 15 x 3
(for forearms)

everything chop chop 40 mins... hungry like
hell....... i hate work.
Poop fluctuations LOL!

Quad should be voted funniest HST member!

Hotterdog, in terms of bulking, you may want to check out my Optimizing You Caloric Intake thread so you avoid overeating (or under eating)
(colby2152 @ Jan. 04 2008,09:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Poop fluctuations LOL!

Quad should be voted funniest HST member!

Hotterdog, in terms of bulking, you may want to check out my Optimizing You Caloric Intake thread so you avoid overeating (or under eating)</div>
ok, i'll go check it out. thanks. if i can't find
it, i'll ask u for e link.
wk 2 day 1, 6th Jan 08, sun
(1 x 15)

1) barbell squats: 130 ibs x 15
2) incline bench press: 105 ibs x 15
3) pendlay rows: 100 ibs x 15
4) front military press: 80 ibs x 15
5) barbell shrugs: 130 ibs x 15
6) ez barbell curls: 70 ibs x 15
7) close grip benchpress: 130 ibs x 15
8) deadlift: 180 ibs x 15
9) standing calve raise: 240 ibs x 8 x 3

training on a sunday is never nice
as it's a rest day but i gotta do it
due to commitments again...
It seems like you have a nice workout plan going on there. I understand how life can get in the way of training sometimes but as long as you stay consistant you should be fine. Maybe for my next cycle I can add in some of the same lifts. Keep up the good work!
(DWhite2741 @ Jan. 07 2008,21:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It seems like you have a nice workout plan going on there. I understand how life can get in the way of training sometimes but as long as you stay consistant you should be fine. Maybe for my next cycle I can add in some of the same lifts. Keep up the good work!</div>
congrats on becoming a dad too.
wk 2 day 2, 8th Jan 08, tue
(1 x 15)

1) barbell squats: 140 ibs x 15
2) incline bench press: 120 ibs x 15
3) pendlay rows: 110 ibs x 15
4) front military press: 90 ibs x 15
5) barbell shrugs: 140 ibs x 15
6) ez barbell curls: 80 ibs x 15
7) close grip benchpress: 140 ibs x 15
8) standing side laterals: 12.5 kg x 10 x 2

morning workout today. i was awake but
not my body.
wk 2 day 3, 10th Jan 08, thu
(1 x 15)

1) barbell squats: 150 ibs x 15
2) incline bench press: 130 ibs x 15
3) pendlay rows: 110 ibs x 15
4) front military press: 90 ibs x 15
5) barbell shrugs: 150 ibs x 15
6) ez barbell curls: 80 ibs x 15
7) close grip benchpress: 150 ibs x 15
8) deadlifts: 205 ibs x 15

9) standing calf raise: 240 ibs x 8 x 3
10) reverse curls: 10 kg x 15 x 3

deadlifts was suppose to be 220 ibs
but e last one i did was only 180 ibs
&amp; since i missed a couple of it, no point
jacking it up so fast.

prob also mentally preparing for
showdown w boss morrow so might
have affected my trg a bit.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">deadlifts was suppose to be 220 ibs
but e last one i did was only 180 ibs
&amp; since i missed a couple of it, no point
jacking it up so fast.</div>

I agree - 25 pounds for one increment is more than enough.
(colby2152 @ Jan. 10 2008,13:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">deadlifts was suppose to be 220 ibs
but e last one i did was only 180 ibs
&amp; since i missed a couple of it, no point
jacking it up so fast.</div>

I agree - 25 pounds for one increment is more than enough.</div>
hey! u got a new avatar?