

New Member
My current training is:
I take my 5rm.Do 5reps, rest 3 min, then do 3 reps, rest 1 min, more 2 reps, rest 1 min, + 1 rep, then singles whit 30 secds rest untill I reach 10 to 15 reps total.

Well, this weigth is around 86 % of my 1 RM.
I have the idea today of doing 4 sets of 5reps whit my 7 rm whit 2 min rest.

In my current way, the weigth is very heavy and i get fatigued easy(CNS fatigue), also, dont have to much pump and dont fell that my muscles are worked enougth, also the volume is low(10 to 15 total reps per exercicie) because the weigth is heavy.Maybe whit 86% of 1rm all fibers are not recruted.This training is good for strength and for my ego(I love to train heavy), but is hard on recovery too, and not so good on size.

On my ideia(4x5) the weigth is not so ligth(7 rm) the rest is enougth( 2 min), and it is around 80-82 % 1rm, on all fibers are recruted.The volume is optmal(20 reps per exercicie) and it looks good for size(at least on the paper).
What is the best method?Now, my diet is good( I can eat a lot now),and my goal is size, pure size, but I love to lift heavy.That is my problem.
Thank's .You can see my log(cgutcu trainig log) and see how is my current training.
Its been my understanding and experience that some have a weaker CNS than others. I think this is part of what accounts for strength differences in individuals who may be the same size and weight.

I myself have a CNS that burns out faster than I would like. Instead of pushing it too hard as I've done in the past, I'm just taking a while to do my workouts, resting as long as i need to between sets.

The key to being able to do this is having split my workouts between push/pull bodyparts and exercises and doing only 1 workout per day.

This means I workout 6 times per week which actually is working out better for me anyway since I'm beginning to take off the water/fat I've bulked around my waste without slowing down gains in size. Its apparently kicked up my metabolism a notch or two.

I also am considering starting max-stim though.

Time will tell me what to do next.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I myself have a CNS that burns out faster than I would like. Instead of pushing it too hard as I've done in the past, I'm just taking a while to do my workouts, resting as long as i need to between sets. </div>
Hey, that's me too!