5 days on - 1 day off

Al and Hammer

New Member
I decided to try a 6 day week for this cycle. I set up 1 week 15s, 1 week 10s and 4 weeks of 5s.

I'm about to start 10s but had to take a break before the last day of 15s cos my forearms were pretty sore. I'd been laying carpet the 2 days before this (just moved house) so I attributed it to that.

I was wondering if any other other daily lifters feel any EXTRA soreness than if they were doing a regular 1 day on - 1 day off routine.

-- Getting that pump every day is so cool...
You will usually feel less soreness on a daily routine because you are using less sets and causing less cellular damage. However, all you need to feel is that pump to grow. It took me 45 years to learn that working out past that pumped feeling and into muscle soreness never contributed to my growth. In fact, based on my growth the last 2 1/2 years, I would have to guess that working out past the pump may have had a negative impact on my growth. I would expect that someone who has super high T levels, naturally or assisted, may find the opposite to be true.
Thanks for that.

Yes, I'm only working up to the pump so thats cool. I definately find it a better routine (psycologically) than my last cycle - we'll see how the physical results go at the end...I'm confident tho...