6 g of eaa


New Member
in a recent research it was found that only 6 g of eaa plus 35 g of dextrose elicits protein synthesis.
to get the same effect can you use whey protein ?what amount of whey corresponds to 6 g eaa?
or as some companies states that whey powder does not do it you need only the 6 g eaa .is this hype?
6 grams was enough to stimulate protien synthesis, (3 is as well), however it is not enough to maximally stimulate protein synthsis...

but, whey is approximately 50-52% Essential amino acids
however it is not enough to maximally stimulate protein synthsis

so what is the minimum to maximise protein synthesis?
I went back through the old article, its actually 263mg/hour of mixed amino acids, which will relate back to around 0.2g of whey protein per kilogram of bodyweight per hour

So for a 100kg athlete, its somewhere around 20grams of protein.

(the research is also in the untrained state, so knowing what exactly happens after training is pretty much a guess. Additional protein wont hurt.)