6 Month Goal - What can i achieve ?


New Member
Hi guys.
The last 10 years or so i have been eating pretty bad, too the stage now that i cant really eat anything sweet because of my teeth and that i am getting fat and never had a six pack.
I am 23 years old in feb and i want to change.
My thing is even to this day i eat crap every day have prob 1 decent meal a day.

What i am inquiring to is if i trained 4 days a week on a bulk, and doing cardio twice a week, eating nothing unhealthy what so ever for 6 months and pushing myself each and every time.

What can i be looking at in 6 months time.

Stats at the moment - 23yo. 180 pounds - 5'10, 22%bf

I believe i can have a huge difference but i am wanting to see what you guys reckon i can achieve in 6 months.
From you stats, bulking is not your best option, unless you want to spend the next year trying to get it off. Cut first, and as a young newbie, your test levels will make up some of the difference and you should be able to gain some muscle while losing fat at first. It should be inspiring enough of a change to keep you in the game. Then when you start seeing the stomach you want, begin a bulk phase. Take pics now, after the cut, then after 6 months of bulking and it should be awesome.
I agree with Quad. I would cut to 10-12% BF first. It will be a lot easier now than later because it sounds like you have never really trained before. If you cut now before you gain a decent amount of muscle its going to be easy to cut a large amount of fat with little to no muscle loss. In fact you will probably gain muscle despite cutting like Quad said. At 5'10" 22% BF 180lbs you could probably cut close to 2lbs/wk at first. I would do that until you start seeing some slight definition in your ribs then drop it to 1lb/wk.

If you gain no muscle cutting to 156lb would put you at 10% BF (provided your measurement is accurate). I would actually aim for 160-165 beccuase you will probably gain muscle. Or like Quad said just cut until you get the stomach you like.
At 180 pounds with 22% bodyfat, you are carrying around 40 pounds of fat. Shooting for 8% bodyfat, that would put you around 148-152 pounds. Your best bet it shed 10% of bodyfat.

Maintain a good hst program, continue each cycle adding weight. There is no difference between a "bulking program and a cutting program" and I will differ with anyone on that point.

The difference lies in the diet. If your bulking, your eating around 16x's your bodyweight, losing weight around 11 or 12 x's your body weight. Keep your training consistent, slowly lower your calories by 250 each week, try to maintain your strength in your lifts. Musce stable, fat reduction is your goal. When you get to around 155 pounds or so, slowly increase your food intake by 100 calories per week.

Invest in calipers to check bodyfat, and as long as bodyfat is reducing and weight is going up... your winning!
