_tim's HST experiment

(UFGatorDude30 @ Jun. 22 2007,10:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dips are looking dang good. Should be hittin' 100 in no time. Haha, I like the name for the grip. Not sure how you did it, as looking back I didn't do a good job of explaining. But were your entire arms locked out from shoulder to hand, or did you have your elbow bent?</div>
Thanks again for the dip comments, Gator. I appreciate it!

The way I did the Gator Grip was first stupid, second perhaps better. The first time I did it, I went with straight arms. My already taxed delts wanted nothing to do with it. So - I bent my arms at about a 90 degree angle, and propped my elbows on a bench. I then lowered the weight and held it when my forearms got to parallel. I'm hoping I didn't compromise it by using the bench as I did, but regardless I got a tremendous grip workout in, feeling it in parts of my hand and forearms that I haven't in the past. Great idea, Gator!

Have a great SD, man. I hope the deep tissue massage goes well! I'm gonna do the same thing when I get to my SD.
Week 4, Day 10 - 90% 5RM

I reduced volume a bit to 3 sets, and I believe I'll remain here until I begin my 3's in week 6.

Squats: WU: 135 x 6, 185 x 6, 205 x 4
235 x 5 x 3

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 6, 155 x 6
170 x 5 x 3

Chins: WU, pulldowns: 120 x 6, 160 x 6
BW+25 x 5 x 3

SLDL: 185 x 5 x 3

Calves: 340 x 5 x 5

Dips: BW+70 x 5 x 3

Wide, Neutral Grip Pull: BW+12.5 x 5 x 3

Felt good today, especially for a Monday. After last week and what I perceived my CNS to be saying, I decided to reduce my volume a bit as the loads near my 5RM. Next week I'll be extending those loads slightly each day, but will try to maintain the same volume of 3 sets per exercise, excluding warm ups.
Week 4, Day 11 - 95% 5RM

I sorta broke my own rule by skipping yoga yesterday, but sleep was much more important to me after a VERY long day. I stretched really, really well today before beginning, and felt the session went quite well.

Squats: WU: 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 205 x 4
245 x 5 x 3

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 6, 155 x 6
175 x 5 x 3

Chins: WU, pulldowns: 130 x 6, 170 x 6
BW+27.5 x 5 x 3

SLDL: 205 x 5 x 3

Calves: 360 x 5 x 4

Dips: BW+75 x 5 x 2

Wide, Neutral Grip Pull: BW+15 x 5 x 2

I ran out of time - that's why I cut my dip and WNGP sets short. Also, that's why my grip workout was missing again. I really needed it, too - my SLDL weight is only going up from here, and my last set of 5 had to be clustered after my 3rd rep because I almost dropped the bar. 205 stinkin' pounds! I'm gonna buy the Invanko gripper and a set of straps; I'll only use the straps if I need to, and in the meantime, I'll get the gripper and keep it in my car (copying slapshotz).

Friday is my 100% 5RM day. These weights are getting a bit heavy, especially the squat and bench numbers. My chest has never been the strong part of me, and my hips and upper quads seem to be dictating how hard these squats are becoming. Again, just 245 stinkin' pounds! No matter - the cycle is going well and I've seen some great gains all around.
What are your plans starting next week? Are you going down to 3's, or are you just going to keep adding weight as necessary and keep 5 reps?
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jun. 27 2007,10:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What are your plans starting next week? Are you going down to 3's, or are you just going to keep adding weight as necessary and keep 5 reps?</div>
Hey Gator -

Next week, I extend my 5RM to ~103+%. Essentially, I'm going to make minimal incremental increases to each exercise in the cycle to further my maxes, still at 5 reps per set. I begin 5 sets of 3 at 90% of my 3RM in week 6. From there - week 7 begins a period where I'll listen intently to my CNS as I extend my 3RM incrementally, and will begin SD when I feel it's time. If by some miracle I make it through week 9 (estimated to be 115% then), I'll continue the trend into week 10, progressing the loads ever so slightly each workout until I begin my SD.

Sorry if that was a bit long-winded! I just figured if I outlined the rest of this cycle now, it may help to explain what's coming down the path and the crux of my so-called experiment!

I've already begun outlining my next cycle at a rather high level. I'm gonna do a hybrid HST-SST cycle through the dog days of summer. Experiment #2.....
Week 4, Off Day

I did a whole bunch of yoga postures this morning very slowly, but did not follow the DVD's I've been using as they are now a bit inappropriate given what I do in the gym. I do yoga on off days for core strength and flexibility - the emphasis being on the stretching portion of flexibility. I actually have a new DVD on the way that's an hour program dedicated to flexibility, and I think that will be much more appropriate given the end of this cycle. I don't need to be toning up my arms, ass or legs on a stinkin' off day!

I NEED TO S T R E T C H!!!!!!!

Week 4, Day 12 - 100% 5RM

Squats: WU: 135 x 8, 215 x 6
250 x 5 x 3

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 6, 155 x 6
180 x 5 x 2, 180 x 4 x 1

Chins: WU: BW x 8, BW x 6
BW+35 x 5 x 2, BW+35 x 4 x 1

SLDL: 215 x 5 x 3

Calves: 380 x 5 x 4

Dips: BW+80 x 5 x 2

Wide, Neutral Grip Pull: BW+17.5 x 5 x 2

I got a great one in today - I pushed, and I think I got most of my maxes correct. Next week, I extend my 5RM so I'm going to reduce volume to 2 sets per exercise.

Some additional thoughts:
I didn't have any issue with my grip while doing my SLDL's, suggesting that my grip strength is improving. Regardless, my Ivanko Gripper should be here early next week, along with a pair of straps. I'm really going to push through my 3's, and truly strive for PB's on everything I do. Having never done SLDL's, I'm happy to be in the early 200's at this point in the cycle but feel I have a pretty significant upward potential as I get into the 3's. Having not done nearly as many chins as I am now, I was thrilled to put a 35 pound plate on my belt, and honestly felt that I could go higher. I'd not done more than maybe 5 total WNGP reps in my life, and having been at the point of not being able to even do 5 non-clustered reps with body weight at the beginning of the cycle, to now actually adding weight consistently feels damn good. I've finally hit the point with my calves that the loads are heavy enough to only do 3 sets to fatigue them, and that's pretty cool to not have to waste any more time getting the stubborn things to submit.

On the flip side, I absolutely hit a wall on incline bench after two sets. I believe that I got this max correct - though I'm nervous about attempting to extend it. My weak ass man titties may not like what's about to happen to 'em.

You're throwing up some decent weight there. You built a solid routine off HST principles. Best of luck with the post-5's and potential PB's! You'll probably have to find a spotter around the gym to do the incline bench.

You are pushing your 5RM next week, and then the following week you start 3's; is that correct?

(colby2152 @ Jun. 29 2007,10:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are pushing your 5RM next week, and then the following week you start 3's; is that correct?</div>
Thanks Colby!

Yes, I push though my 5RM next week, and then I start at 90% of my 3RM the following week.

I actually started using a spotter for bench two weeks back - I just died at rep 4 of my 3rd set today. My chest is by far the weakest part of my body!
I think you'll find that volume drop came in perfect time for your incline. That was the one thing I was actually nervous about not finishing throughout my cycle... other than maybe deads. I'm sure you'll be able to finish out strong.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jun. 29 2007,10:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm sure you'll be able to finish out strong.</div>
I hope so, man!
Week 5, Day 13 - ~102% 5RM

Felt good.

Squats: WU: 135 x 8, 185 x 6, 215 x 6, 225 x 6
255 x 5 x 2, clustered last set 3/2

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 6, 155 x 6, 165 x 6
185 x 5 x 2

Chins: WU: BW x 8, BW x 6, BW x 4
BW+37.5 x 5 x 2

SLDL: 225 x 5 x 2

Calves: 400 x 5 x 3

Dips: BW+82.5 x 5 x 2

Wide, Neutral Grip Pull: BW+20 x 5 x 2

To my surprise, my incline bench didn't kill me - in fact my first set felt pretty good. My squats are starting to get insanely heavy for me, but that is to be expected. All in all, a good start to the week.
Week 5, Off Day

Did an hour of yoga today - a completely different program and got some of the best stretching ever. My hips, my hammys, my back all are looser than they've been in a while, Good stuff.

I'm not sure if I'll make it to the gym tomorrow, being a holiday, but we'll see.
Week 5, Day 14 - ~104%-106% 5RM, end of 5's

Since I missed my workout on the 4th, I decided to do 1 set at Wednesday's weight, and one set of today's weight.

Squats: WU: 135 x 8, 205 x 6, 225 x 6
260 x 5; 265 x 5, clustered both sets.

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 6, 155 x 6
190 x 5; 195 x 4 - I knew I was in trouble after the second rep. I don't know for sure, but I think my spotter helped me quite a bit on the last rep. Regardless, PB.

Chins: WU: BW x 8, BW x 7
BW+40 x 5; BW+42.5 x 5 PB

SLDL: WU: 135 x 8
With straps: 235 x 5; 245 x 5 PB

Calves: 400 x 5 x 2 - need to find a new machine or some new way to do these. Suggestions? Tried to add weight to the stack but couldn't.

Dips: BW+85 x 5; BW+87.5 x 5

Wide, Neutral Grip Pull: BW+22.5 x 5; BW+25 x 5!!!! PB

OK. So that ends my 5's. Next week begins 5 sets of 3, starting at 90% of my 3RM. I'd like to think that this part of the cycle is going to be much more strength oriented than hypertrophy specific, but I will be starting sub-maximally and progressing the load each time, so I suppose I'll still be firmly engaged in the HST methodology regardless of the outcome.

Now also is the beginning of the end of this cycle. Regardless, it'll only be week 6 next week, and I'm shooting for at least 8, maybe 9. We'll see.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Calves: 400 x 5 x 2 - need to find a new machine or some new way to do these. Suggestions? Tried to add weight to the stack but couldn't.</div>

Seated calf raise? Stand on a platform or plate under a Smith machine?
I love to see the PB's rolling in man! Those straight-legs are sure gettin' heavy too. As for your calves, I'll go with Colby and ask if you are doing seated or standing... standing I hope. If so, put a block or something under a smith machine and do them on that. Should be at least a little while before you max out the machine
(colby2152 @ Jul. 06 2007,10:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Seated calf raise? Stand on a platform or plate under a Smith machine?</div>
Thanks Colby -

Yeah, I'm adding seated calf raises next cycle. As to the platform idea, I'm just nervous about standing on the edge of the one at the gym with over 400 pounds on it. With my luck, the platform would tip and my knees would bend backwards.

I definitely think the Smith machine is the way to go, I just need to figure out what to stand on. I'll give the plate a try next week.
Sorry guys - I didn't explain myself very well. I'm doing standing calf raises exclusively this cycle.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jul. 06 2007,10:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I love to see the PB's rolling in man! Those straight-legs are sure gettin' heavy too.</div>
Thanks Gator! The PB's really do feel good, but I still have a decent way to go before I hit my goals. I'll get close in my 3's to a couple weight targets I have, but I think I'll have to wait until next cycle to get where I want to be.

Regardless, thanks so much for your support, man!
Week 6 - 3's VERY ROUGH START!

OK. Guys, I've never had so many balls in the air and accompanying stress as I have these past two weeks. I'm a software developer for a consulting firm - and both my client and my company have been jerking my chain. My stinkin' company is supposed to be my representative, not bend to the client when the client is wrong. Add to that stress massive car issues, 3 independent projects with varying and changeable requirements and you have a snapshot of my past 8 days.

I forced my way to the gym on Wednesday and did a very small subset of my current cycle. For the rest of this cycle, I'm just going to incrementally increase the load and go until I know it's time to stop. I'm going to try and maintain the volume of 5 sets as long as possible.

Squats: WU: 135 x 8, 205 x 7, 225 x 5
240 x 3 x 5 - VERY strict form, each rep.

Incl. Bench: WU: 135 x 8, 155 x 6
175 x 3 x 5 - no spotter!

Chins: WU: BW x 8, BW+15 x 6
BW+42.5 x 3 x 5, PB - I decided to really, really push these through my 3's; I knew I had much more in me weight-wise than was reflected in my 5's.

Tomorrow I hope to hit many more of the exercises I've done for this cycle. The stress is very much reduced - I ditched the car and got a better one, and the job thing may be changing in the very near term. My independent projects are all under control now. If I can just get paid, all will be friggin' great!