About to finish first cycle


New Member

I am about to finish my first 6 week cycle of HST and i love it. Not much strength gain (if at all) but muscles are growing. What is the best to do now after first 6 weeks? Strategic deconditioning for one week and then start again with 15 reps or skip 15s? I also have read that it is possible to keep training for another 2 weeks at 5 reps max?
If you can continue to progress the weight during your 5s and your joints aren't bothering you, then by all means, continue on. You can continue the 5s at your 5RM for a week or two and then do 3s, which may help your 5s next time around. Then you can retest your RMs for each rep range on three separate days. Then SD 9-14 days and start over with the 15s, which are meant to be thereaputic for the next 5s.
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If you can continue to progress the weight during your 5s and your joints aren't bothering you, then by all means, continue on. You can continue the 5s at your 5RM for a week or two and then do 3s, which may help your 5s next time around. Then you can retest your RMs for each rep range on three separate days. Then SD 9-14 days and start over with the 15s, which are meant to be thereaputic for the next 5s.
Thanks for your answer. So just to make sure i get it right:
After the 2 weeks of 5s of this circle i can either keep on increasing weight forone or two weeks of 5s. If increasing weight is not possible then i just do one or two weeks at my 5 RM max. Then 3s are optional for one week. Then i restart the cycle?
It's better to SD only when you are stalling on gains. Too frequently SDing can be a waste of time if you are still growing.
And when you *do* SD, take a proper break, say 9 days minimum. You'll respond much better in your next cycle this way.
I am still a little bit confused about volume. These are my exercices, 2 sets each during 15s, 10s and 5s:

Romanian Deadlift
Calf Raises
Bent Over Row/Seated Row
Pull Downs/Pull Ups
DB Curls
Military Press
Lateral Raises

I have read very different views on volume. Would it be better do do 1 set for 15s, 2 for 10s and 3 for 5s? Right now my body definitely would not allow 6 sets of 5s. Actually I kinda look forward to SD, so this should tell me volume is already high enough?

Also i am thinking about skipping lateral raises and shrugs for the next cycle. I guess thats okay?
I think your plan is fine. 2 sets is plenty, you have a good variety of exercises. Skipping laterals and shrugs is fine, you won't need them with all the other stuff.
Thanks for your help. Really loved my first cycle and i am really surprised that i can see the gains right after 6 weeks of HST. But my body "hurts" right now, so i am going to take a SD break now and then start the next cycle. Starts easy with 15s, but gets hard at the second week of 5s...:D