Thanks for the feedback Lol!
I agree bench is my weakest lift. My squat has been getting in the way of the progress there. My mobility is garbage so I've been working on it but pulling my shoulders back for the squat makes shoulder super achey and numb. I am doing some prehab/rehab on it and it is getting better but it definitely took my bench off track. Also the video might not show it but my butt came off the bench. Finally, it's my least favorite lift... regardless I agree with your points and they are things I will be working on in the coming cycles.
Squat is a bit of an interesting progress, I had previously just done leg press for quad development and I got pretty good at it. About 6 months ago I realized I wanted to be able to squat and started getting serious. I moved to low-bar squats since it interacted the least number of my mobility issues and started pushing myself on this. I could leg press a good amount but my squats were garbage, you can see that I was just over 245lbs in cycle 5. So breaking into the 300s is really something I've only done a handful of times. So in retrospect I likely didn't need a spotter since I am in a power rack but frankly I was scared. Anyways this built my confidence and I hope to continue my progress.
Deadlift is pretty much my favorite lift but I was going into 405 a bit intimidated. I had attempted 405 twice previously and both times I was completely rejected, like the bar didn't even move. However in my training I had pulled lower weights but at rep ranges that estimated my max in the 430+ range. So I had that working for me but as I was working up my first attempt was 365 which I expected to pull pretty easily. I wasn't setup quite right and I was a bit over confident focusing on 405 rather than my current lift and it rolled out of my hands at the top. So I was like well let me look over the video then my wife was like, "What? I deleted it because you dropped it..." So I was feeling some anxiety going into 405 worrying that if I got rejected that might be the record of my one year progress. Anyways I took some time, made sure I hit my setup and pulled it with some serious determination. Hitting 405 was a huge monkey off my back.
So in conclusion, lots of work to do before I get to the end of year two, including dropping some body fat and maybe getting a tan...oh yeah and cleaning up a lot of my weak points.