alkaline diet discussion

kid largo

New Member
Hi folks,

Just exploring the alkaline diet because of recommendations.

So the general argument is that different foods have different acidic/base values and that, depending on your diet, its reflected in your blood. As most of todays diets (and especially BBers) are net acidic then its bad bla bla.

Anyone know what the alkaline counterpunch to this is?:
I emailed a nutritionist and this was the reply:

I agree with your biochemist friends to some degree. Your body has several mechanisms in place to balance and maintain a slightly alkaline pH level in your blood. This level is extremely important and a deviation in either direction can be fatal.
Here's where the problem lies. We know that food does alter the biochemistry in our body. A good example is when people go on a high protein diet. They tend to loose calcium very quickly. The diet is very acidic and the body tries to balance that acid with an extremely alkaline mineral, calcium. It's one explanation why countries who consume the highest amount of dairy and meat have the highest amount of osteoporosis.
When you consistently eat a diet that is comprised largely of acidic foods like processed grains, sugar, alcohol, animal products your body is forced to compensate. This compensation is often where the disease state begins. When your body is constantly forced to adapt to unhealthy, unnatural foods it will not perform at it's peak.
I would like to see more research done in this area. There may be some disagreement in the wording of the explanation but you'll have trouble finding a health professional that will find any fault with recommending eating more water rich live vegetables and reducing processed foods, sugar and animal products.
I recommend finding someone who does live blood analysis in your area. You can see incredible changes in the blood when changes are made to the diet. It's pretty cool.

The calcium loss is supposedly caused by “padding” of acidic urine, created because of the acid load of protein. This is in an interesting article discussing this and other causes of calcium loss:
This still doesn’t answer my question however. So if anyone is even reading this I’ll try and find the answer.
Funny.. my mammy is going apeshit trying to get me to cut fat free milk (and instead drink whole milk) from my diet and try to get more alkaline.

Does anyone know if the the whole thing is just total bullshit?
the nutritionist did a good job of repeating old research nicely.


in terms of alkali/acid diets. A large amount of the food within the diet is slightly to significantly acid in the first place, even fruits and vegetables. You can add alkalisers to your diet, but that can also swing things too far the other way. Its just the latest in a line of faddy stuff that makes little difference to real people.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 04 2005,7:12)]in terms of alkali/acid diets. A large amount of the food within the diet is slightly to significantly acid in the first place, even fruits and vegetables.
According to what standard? I know that an old method used, by charring the sample then measuring the pH is not used anymore. What are you referring to? This link gives all fruits and most vegetables as basic.
Could you address a few points for me?
-Blood pH is regulated by kidneys and respiratory system so the 'acidic blood' argument by alkali/acid diet proponents is flawed
-Is the 'overall' acid/alkali load even significant? If I eat a meal of both acidic and alkali foods, will OH and H's even each other out before the kidneys can process them?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
You can add alkalisers to your diet, but that can also swing things too far the other way.
-So monitoring it is desirable then?
-If it is faddy research, can you tell me why?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (kid largo @ Jan. 05 2005,2:26)]According to what standard? I know that an old method used, by charring the sample then measuring the pH is not used anymore. What are you referring to? This link gives all fruits and most vegetables as basic.
In terms of the pH of the food itself, not refering to potential acid renal loading, which clouds everything.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Could you address a few points for me?
-Blood pH is regulated by kidneys and respiratory system so the 'acidic blood' argument by alkali/acid diet proponents is flawed
but blood is the transport between all systems, so they are using the blood as a proxy of whole body acidity

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-Is the 'overall' acid/alkali load even significant? If I eat a meal of both acidic and alkali foods, will OH and H's even each other out before the kidneys can process them?
in simple terms yes, the body can deal with it. When it starts getting more difficult, is when there is difference of 0.01-0.02 pH, as its within the normal range, and the acid nutters use this as their concept of increasing acidity within the body. It micromanagement of diet at the extreme level.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-So monitoring it is desirable then?
I would rather shoot myself in the head than try and measure plasma pH daily.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-If it is faddy research, can you tell me why?
More faddy in the sense that some proponents are claiming that it causes everything under the sun, and doing a diet their way will cure everything under the sun
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 04 2005,10:33)]not refering to potential acid renal loading
sorry thats what I was always referring to...

I'll look into this myself if I can be bothered then. Thanks for your help.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Jan. 04 2005,9:44)]am I gonna have osteoporosis?
well probs not but from the link I gave, we might not be maximising bone density given so much protein and magnesium to calcium ratios that we consume (as bbers).

I don't know how much of an effect this has but could be worth looking into just to know.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (kid largo @ Jan. 05 2005,5:31)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Jan. 04 2005,9:44)]am I gonna have osteoporosis?
well probs not but from the link I gave, we might not be maximising bone density given so much protein and magnesium to calcium ratios that we consume (as bbers).
I don't know how much of an effect this has but could be worth looking into just to know.
A Ca supplement should ameliorate any concern with protein and osteoporosis. Plus if you are exercising your risk will be even less. Exercise seems to be the messanger and Ca and other minerals seem to be the builder of bone mass per osteocytes.
well, calcium consumption's never been a problem for me. I drink about 6-8 cups of milk a day, right there you have about twice the RDA of calcium.
it gives me a nice little boost towards the end an intense HIIT sprinting session, kind of like a myotatic reflex.