An unplanned trip 11 days after SD: what should I do these 2 weeks?



As said in another topic I just finished my first HST cycle. I'm currently at SD, which will end in 18/02.

It happens that I'll have to make an unplanned trip on Mar/1st and it will last nine days, so it'll be a forced SD since the destination doesn't have decent gyms to train.

I thought to ramp 15's every other day (what gives me 5 sessions) until the trip and jump into 10's when come back but not sure if it's a good way. It's a bulking cycle.

Any opinions?


I would do the 15s as per usual then during the trip I would do body weight exercises; pressups, handstand shoulderpress, dips on the bed, one legged squats. If you can take with you a rubber band you could do even more and just regulate the resistance by shortening the band. Then eirher do the 10s when you get back or do a session or two of 15s to "acclimatize" then 10s.
I would do the 15s as per usual then during the trip I would do body weight exercises; pressups, handstand shoulderpress, dips on the bed, one legged squats. If you can take with you a rubber band you could do even more and just regulate the resistance by shortening the band. Then eirher do the 10s when you get back or do a session or two of 15s to "acclimatize" then 10s.
Excellent suggestion, I didn't think about BW exercises!What do you suggest for back and biceps? I always found very difficult to train it without weights. Probably I won't have a place to hang myself and do chins...
If you buy one of those rubber bands, rehab thingy, just hang it over the door or round the handle and do pulldowns and rows like that. Hook it under a foot and do bicurls. Not sure about BW back exercise. Back hyperextensions perhaps. If you find a strong enough table you can lie underneath and do a hybrid pullup/wide row, just keep your core rigid so you end up at ca45degres to the floor.