And yet another Creatine question...:)

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Just wanted to know the recommended ratio for Glucose/water when taking a 5g creatine dose.
Couldn't find anything on it on the web...

I guess this post kinda means I decided there's no risk in Creatine... ;)

You dont need any :)

While creating hyperinsulinemia will increase creatine uptake, once the muscle is saturated it wont make a difference. All that adding carbs will do is add calories to your diet. If you are taking a pre or post workout shake, try to add it with one of them. Try the post first, because if it gives you stomach upsets you dont want it prior.

Take as much water as possible really. Most people will be drinking plenty to start with, when adding in creatine a bit more will be needed until your muscles are saturated
The abstract says exactly what Aaron said - You may increase the rate of creatine uptake by ingesting it with glucose, but once the muscle is loaded a 2-5g per day dosage is all it takes to maintain levels.
Thanks Blade.
I should've read the abstract more carefuly I guess...:)

Sorry for the confusion.
i just started to take creatine and so my muscles are not saturated yet.
Should I take creatine with glucose or it does not matter als in my situation?
if I should add carbs how much of them?
Given I weight 63 kg (approx 6-7% BF) how much creatine carbs and proteins should I mix in my pre/post shake to maximize creatine uptake and minimize muscle saturation required time?

I forgot to mention that I' m bulking (2nd week of 15s),also I workout in the evening from 18.30-19.00 to 19.30-20.00 and I have dinner about 30 mins later so I cant have a huge post shake (usually only whey as i prefer to save cals for whole food).

really thanks for your time
From Oral creatine supplementation and skeletal muscle metabolism in physical exercise.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]In summary, based on creatine pharmacokinetics, a supplementation regimen integrated by a loading phase of 20 g/d (four times 5g) for 2 days and a maintenance dose of 3–5 g/d thereafter may be proposed. During the first day of the loading phase, creatine must be ingested in conjunction
with simple carbohydrates (500ml containing 90–100g of simple carbohydrates), whereas on the second day, creatine could be ingested in conjunction with 40–50g of simple carbohydrates and 50g protein. The maintenance dose can be of 3–5g creatine in conjunction with simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrate beverage administration should be ideally
ingested after 30 minutes of creatine ingestion to produce peak creatine and insulin concentrations at similar time points in order to stimulate muscle creatine accumulation. We hypothesise that this kind of creatine administration increases muscle TCr content at least as rapidly as with classical
creatine administration but without creatine and Crn spillover in the serumand urine. The ergogenic effect of this creatine supplementation is the object of further discussion.

Keep in mind that it'll be different for everyone but that's the one cookbook recipe that I can remember off the top of my head concerning creatine/carbs/protein (have the whole article, which is decent, if anyone wants it). I usually take 2.5g in the morn on lifting days, 2.5g in my pre-workout shake and only 2.5g on my off-days. Most people make it more complicated than it really is.

Whatever floats your boat :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]a supplementation regimen integrated by a loading phase of 20 g/d (four times 5g) for 2 days
From what I've read, a loading phase of 4 days is necessary, totalling in 80g for the whole loading phase...
Most research I've seen used a loading phase of 4 days.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]We hypothesise that this kind of creatine administration increases muscle TCr content at least as rapidly as with classical
creatine administration but without creatine and Crn spillover in the serumand urine
Are the levels of Cr in a 4 day loading phase too high ?
I have a small build, should I take that into account when loading ?
Thanks for your help guys.
If you don't use the creatine in conjuction with a carb-source, it will take longer to reach the peak concentration of creatine within your cells (aka, you'll see 4-7 days for loading w/o carbs). The above statement you quoted recommended only two days of loading because the addition of carbs increases the amount of creatine taken up by the cells thus decreasing the amount of days you need to load for, as pointed out earlier by Aaron and Blade.

Secondly, loading creatine for a week or less @ 20g/day isn't going to "hurt" you. There's just no need to load that much for a longer period because, by then, you've already saturated your cells with maximum amount of creatine that is physiologically possible (have seen varying reports of between 10% and 40% increases in total creatine levels after loading *shrugs*). You can get away with not loading 20g/day but it will just take longer to reach that saturation point at doses over 4g/day.

So, really, it comes down to how safe you feel loading it. If you feel unsafe taking that much creatine that quickly, just be patient and take it at 5-10g/day (needs to be a little higher than the maintenence dose). On the other hand, I haven't found any empirical evidence showing that loading is detrimental to your body (if someone knows of one off-hand, please post!).

As for your size, some studies used 0.3g/kg body mass/day for loading instead of the standard 20g/day but it's probably going to be close anyways. Stick with the maintenence dosage regardless of how you load.