barbell calf-raise


New Member
for various reasons ive never felt comfortable doing 1 legged donkeys with loose discs and a dipping belt, so i came up with this solution;

you add weight to a barbell on the floor - one side has a single large disc, the other the actual load. then you stand over the weight with a medium stance, using a dipping belt for attachment. you need something to extend the chain down to the bar and hold it steady, i use a cyclists 'D-lock', which grabs the spinlock collar nicely.
clever. i'll have to try that. last time i did donkeys i had both my wife and my twelve-year-old daughter climb on my hips. and still did too many repetitions.

still doesn't beat the time i had my wife climb on my hips with a 45 pound plate that slipped and cracked me in the back of the skull. took three stitches. weight training can be dangerous.
I use something just like that, but I have two collars to hold so I can raise the whole bar and not just on end. The only prob with mine is if it swings it beats your shins, so I think I'll give your idea a try.