Before and after pictures


New Member
I've had a read through almost all (54) pages or the results thread on the forum and a lot of people have gained a lot of mass on this routine.

For some reason though out of 500 results there was probably 7-10 where they had before / after pictures. Does anybody have any of themselves and their successes with HST? It'd be good to be able to see how that mass gain actually looked with some visuals.

Waiting in anticipation......
Most people do not take before pictures that are comparable to after pictures. Others do not want to publish pictures of themselves for various reasons. Totz has published some good ones in his HST book and I believe his results are probably typical for a natural lifter who consistently follows HST and has a good nutrition plan in place. You can achieve similar results if you have his dedication.
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I have photos in my training log, though they are not "before and after" photos. Although i do have photos from the summer time of this year and plan on doing photos either after this cycle I am currently on or in about two months or so.