Beginner Help

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I have some questions concerning my workout.
I orignially planned on doing M/W/F, but it turns out that I did Tues, F, M, W, F instead. I have the last workout (max) for my 15 rep block left, and would it be fine to max out after a longer rest than usual?

Is that 2 day rest even significant? or is it fine to just workout every other day?

right now, my workout consists of
incline db bench
bent over rows
chin ups
incline db b curls
hammer curls
db shrugs
military shoulder press
upright row.

i know thats alot for one workout, especially when i get into the heavier loads, but i think i can handle it.
i'm only 16, and ive been lifting steadily for about half a year so far before i decided to try out hst. (i dont know much about the science or anything about lifting)
i'm zigzagging alot but i dont mind that right now. any tips or changes to my exercises?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is that 2 day rest even significant? or is it fine to just workout every other day? </div>

Well, you do have a two day rest on the weekend. It is no problem at all, just keep up the 3x/week frequency.

If I do make one suggestion myself, I object to the use of hammer curls. You will find that isolations do not provide the greatest load for your muscles hence compounds are needed. If I really would make it my own workout, I would take out the incline curls and even the &quot;all mighthy&quot; skullcrushers. Your compound exercises such as Chins, Bent Over Rows, Squats, and Military Press are great. However, you have enough back work, so take out one of the rows (probably upright since it is on a machine most likely.)

Last tidbit = add deadlift!
the upright row is on an ezbar. i try to keep all my exercises free weights (only squat is on a smith machine) everything else is using dumbbells.

idk anything about deadlifting, but ill definitely add it on my next cycle. other than squats, i do calf raises and quad leg extensions, cuz the squatting isnt that hard.

ok, i decided to do chinups (wide and close) and incline curls. ill do close grip instead of skullcrushers and add dips. thanks alot!
Do yourself a favor, stop doing calf raises and leg extensions. Stick with squats, deadlifts, bench, bent row, dips, chins, standing OH press, and cleans. If you must do isolation exercises, do them last, pour all your energy into the big lifts. Use good form and full range of motion.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">squatting isnt that hard.</div>

You're obviously not doing it right.

Use very heavy weights and use full range of of the hardest exercises in existence.
If you can, get out of the Smith machine and find out what squatting is all about.
Oh, I would also add in some weighted dips. These will really blast your pecs and also your tris so, if need be, you'll be able to drop the skulls to fit them in.
(dkave @ Jun. 09 2007,12:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
re:would it be fine to max out after a longer rest than usual?

Is that 2 day rest even significant? or is it fine to just workout every other day?

I've had to take up to 5 days off mid - cycle due to travel with no discernable effects . My personal rule of thumb so far has been 5 days and under I'll pick up right where I left off, 5 and over ( if progression is 2nd week of 10's or further) I'll consider going back and repeating 1 or 2 loads depending mostly on how much (if at all) my diet suffered .