Beginner Questions need your help!


New Member
Hey HST- Forum i just started this week with my 15's and its going really well!

My question is when i look into this forum i see alot of different opinions about reps - sets, now im at the first 15's and its pretty easy to do just 2 sets of 15.
But when im on my 10's i think things get abit more confusing for me. I see people say you should do 30 reps to maintain the reps and and even use ''clustering''??? so you split it into 3 sets of 10 on the 10's week.
And others say do 2 sets of 10, this goes the same for the 5's week where you should then do like 6 sets of 5 to maintain that 30 rep mark!?

So at this point im abit confused about what rep range i should go beqause doing 6 sets of 5 RM is pretty intense and i feel if i would do that i would collapse at the half of my routine.

Other question is when i have 2 back and 2 chest excersises, is it ok to also do another 2 arms excersises like dumbel curl and a hammercurl? ( same goes for tricep ).

thank you!
As a beginner, there's no need to keep the # of reps at a constant; even as an intermediate or more experienced lifter this is still a highly debated point. Just stick to 2 sets across the board, 3 sets of 5's if you really want extra volume - though I wouldn't recommend it personally, not for you first cycle.

2 chest and 2 back exercises are great, definitely no need to have 2 for smaller muscle groups like bi's and tri's. Alternate them between workouts if you want to mix it up but stick with one for each workout.