[b said:Quote[/b] ]but would there be any issues if one were to substitute dips for flat bench?
none at all if thats what you want to do.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]What do you think about the "flaring" of the elbows while benching? I have read that it is very traumatic on the shoulders doing this, and I have also read that keeping your elbows tucked in to your body is a more "power" form of bench press. Would you mind describing the proper way to bench press concentrating on elbows?
depends on what you mean by flaring.
Keeping the elbows flared througout the entire movement (bbr style to the high chest) may not be great on the shoulders. BAsically the best technique is to take it low, which requires tucking the elbows slightly. Then as you press up over hte face the elbows flare out to get under the bar fully and allow a stronger lockout.
I call it catch and throw, but thats me