Benefits of Testosterone !?


New Member
I found this in the faq
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]*8) Using additional testosterone significantly increases a person's P:Ratio. I have seen lean guys weighing 230-240 able to consume 4,500-5,000 calories per day and still get leaner each week unless they pushed the calories even higher. This is extremely unusual for a natural lifter, so unusual I have never seen it happen. My comments on diet are always based on the assumption that an individual is training naturally.

This is my biggest fear , im starting to workout, i only weight 140 (about 5'9) now and i have a little fat already on my belly, even if im very skinny on my arms, i dont want to get anymore fat, but i want to gain ALOT of mass... because of that im afraid to eat alot (which is required to gain), could testosterone be the answer?

If so, how can i boost testosterone production in my body ? are there any foods that help ?
Do i need to buy supplements?
How much?

Any advices on testosterone ? side effects ... ?

Hi Louno,

You should shoot for 2,000 cals per day consistantly for 3 weeks and see what happens. All the while, training properly and doing at least 2 hours of cardio per week.

If you don't gain any weight, bump it up to 2,250 and continue for another 3 weeks.

If you let the fear of something that might happen, prevent you from doing anything at all, you will never achieve your goals.
There is no real way to naturally boost testosterone in your body to any significant degree, or put more specifically to any degree that would make a difference for hypertrophy. You have to take something dramatic and be prepared to deal with possible side effects. Put it this way: all drugs have a number of effects. The effect(s) you want are the benefits, the effect(s) you don't want are called side effects. Without the latter there is no former. No risk, no reward, basically.

I believe supplimentation with zinc and one other mineral/vitamin/something-or-other will optimize your natural testosterone production. It won't make a difference though for hypertrophy. Might not even be able to measure it in tests.

You have AAS and prohormones and prosteroids as an option. AAS work, they have risks, some more than others. There isn't much study on prohormones and whether or not they help add mass to any significant degree. Doesn't mean they don't work, but every study I've seen on prohormones examines whether or not they raise the presence of this or that in the blood. For instance Ergoharm makes a suppliment, not strictly a prohormone actually, called 6-Oxo and has a study, don't know if it's published and reviewed, that shows a dramatic increase in free testosterone in the subjects' blood.

It's relatively easy to get a study of this type done though as opposed to getting a long term study of the product's use and its possible mass gain benefits.

Through my personal experience I can tell you I think prohormones work to a degree. I've taken 1-AD. I noticed side effects on the 1-AD (I wanted to nail every woman I met) so it was doing something. I broke through a strength plateau which had pissed me off for months. But the bottom line is there's no way for me to attribute that with any certainty to the 1-AD.

Now I checked your profile, you're 22. Don't worry about your testosterone. Eat as you usually do, if you're a little over weight now you're already technically eating more than you should. If you change nothing and just start working out regularly you'll see and feel changes. Once you get into good shape, that's when it becomes generally harder to put on muscle but not fat.
Hi , thanks for responses,
I will progessively try to up my calorie intake from week to week like bryan suggested
Insane Man,
so what you mean is i could basicaly eat at normal maintening level , Plus add some whey protein daily and some E/C + CLA , these would boost calorie intake to make sure im above maintenance to gain mass and minimise fat gain ? That would be perfect
i did a search on CLA and found some interesting stuff, although i found it on a website which sells those CLA supplement maybe they exagerated the facts :
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Q: What can Tonalin™ CLA do for me?
Laboratory research has indicated that Tonalin™ CLA can help you achieve your diet goals in two ways: first, CLA increases lean muscle which naturally slims your body. Secondly, the added muscle tissue automatically burns more calories than fat tissue, which in turn increases your metabolism. The result is as you diet, you'll lose inches in the right places and you may drop clothes sizes without the dreaded yo-yo effect of losing and regaining. Why? Because you're reducing body fat not just water
sounds logic to me, but does it actualy work , or how effective is it really?
I guess i can find this product at my local drugstore ?
they also say :
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Be sure it is 100% Safflower Oil as sunflower oil or a blend will probably be cheaper, but cost you in the long run as it will have less of the fat loss ingredients you are looking for.
Each capsule should have at least 1250mg of oil so you get a total of 1000mg of actual CLA.
Are CLA like Omega3 fish oil? Im not sure but i often see these 2 words together ?
I saw some omega supplement at my drugstore the other day but it had like 3 kinds of omega in it i think, like omega3 , omega6 , omega9 ? ... Could i just pick the cheaper either omega or CLA ?
Cant find any info on E/C supplement tho ...
Unless u mean vitamin E , C ?
In which case, i already take 1 centrum multivitamin each day.
Do you think E/C and CLA are expensive ?
Im already forking out a bunch of money for the creatine and whey...
thanks alot , this is great info.

I continued to look for info on CLA and found this extremely contradictory research on CLA

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