Benefits of the 15s


New Member
Hey all,

I've got to be honest, a while ago I saw a lot of debate about whether or not there is any benefit to doing the 15s. Seems like a lot people just skip them all together, as though they're just a waste of time. I have not seen anyone point out that the 15s are useful for improving endurance capacity and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, and that these both are in turn useful for make strength gains a bit easier during the 5s. I have noticed that when I give the 15s their fair effort that things seem much improved during the 5s. Has anyone else noticed this, too?

Also, I remember reading somewhere (on this site, I think) that the body maintains a ratio between contractile and non-contractile components of the muscles. Does anyone remember where this was stated? And if it is true, doesn't that help to explain why some lifters that focus on lots of higher-rep sets make some pretty damn good gains?

I've been wondering about these things for a while, and so I'm just putting this out to hear what you all think.
