Best OVERALL shoulder exercise


New Member
Hey guys for the longest time i've been using  Barbell milatary press to the front and i've noticed that my front delts are beginning to dwarf my lateral and rear delts, i am afriad in future this may become a problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what movement will hit all 3 heads alike, or atleast take a little focus off of the front head and more on to the lateral and rear heads???

I was thinking arnold presses. Mind you with the Dumbbells i am afriad when the weight gets freaky heavy it iwll be a pain to get the weights into starting position.

I've also noticed that Bryan does milatary presses but lower no futher then the top of the head. this is not much distance to move... i'm used to bringing the weight all the way to my clavicles.

Any suggestions???
It's difficult to hit all three heads of the shoulders with just one movement. You will need to add some type of subsequent movement to hit the lateral and rear heads. Try lateral raises and bent over rear lateral raises. These always work well for me. I also do DB shoulder presses as it makes those stabilizers work harder than using a barbell. Some people like to do upright rows but I have never been a fan of these with heavy weight as it can really wreak havoc on the rotator cuff and elbows.

If you are having trouble getting the DB's into place with lots of weight, get yourself some Power Hooks from Country Power. These are hooks that go onto your DB's and then you can hang them from a bar in the postion you want above you and then just lift them from there. They are the best purchase I have made for my home gym since my power rack.

THANKS!!! i'll look into those sounds like a good idea!

i HATTTTTTTE upright rows... they never felt right/natural to me.

i am going to try some lying side delt raises. (lie on ur side on the bench)..

i think i'm going to start doing some rotator cuff exercises on regular basis :) keep them good and healthy for heavy milatary.
You could try alternating cycles between lateral raises and shoulder press. I got this tip from O&G and it`s worked really well for me. It also gives your shoulders a break. Military press can be pretty tough on the joints. Not sure about going 3 cycles switching though (i.e. 1 cycle shoulder press, 1 cycle lateral raises and 1 cycle for the back of the shoulder.
I have two full body routines that I perform alternately during the week. On Day 1 I do DB shoulder presses (3 working sets)and on Day 2 I do lateral raises and rear lateral raises (2 working sets each). I am also currently doing the shoulder presses with a true HST style progression and for my lateral raises and other isolations I am keeping the reps up somewhere in the range of 10-15. This gives the shoulders some nice sculpting but takes the pressure off of daily going at them hard.

It's working great for me.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Captain Crunch @ July 18 2005,1:09)]I have two full body routines that I perform alternately during the week. On Day 1 I do DB shoulder presses (3 working sets)and on Day 2 I do lateral raises and rear lateral raises (2 working sets each). I am also currently doing the shoulder presses with a true HST style progression and for my lateral raises and other isolations I am keeping the reps up somewhere in the range of 10-15. This gives the shoulders some nice sculpting but takes the pressure off of daily going at them hard.
It's working great for me.
This is what i am planning to do :)
In general when the front heads dwarf the rear heads it is due to too many push exercises in comparison to pull exercises. In other words take a look at your workout and see how many compound movements you are doing in a comparison for back (pull) vs chest (push) movements. I love seated rows and inner grip pullsdowns for my main back exercises.

You may also want to try dropping the weight a little and doing bb presses behind your head OR use DB's since you will be able to have them farther back since there is no bar to hit your face.

I have some front heavy shoulders too from too many chest exercises when I was younger. However, I find a little bit of fat loss really brings out the back of the shoulders.

Good luck!
I think they call this movment the Bradford Press, but I have found it to be probably the best all ound shoulder exercise you can do. I think Vince Gironda popularised it in th 50's/60's & its largely forgotten.

Basically start with the barbell on the front of the shoulders as though you were doing a military press. Now press up until you reach the top of your head & use a kind of arc movement so that the bar nearly skim your head & bring it down onto the back of the neck. Now press from the back again skimming over the top of the head & down onto the front military press position again. This is counted as 1 rep. NEVER LOCK OUT & MOVE CONTINUOUSY FROM FRONT TO BACK & RETURN.

The pain in the shoulder muscles is excruciating thanks to the constant tension & ou will be abl to achieve this using surprisingly small weights so the joints don't need to take a hammering.

Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

There was a post about this recently, but the search wouldn't work tonight...

What are good workouts for your rotator cuff. It was killing me today, but I probably slept on it bad.
I'm going to put in a vote for lying incline lateral raises. It works the lateral delt really well, with a good stretch, and also the rear delt to some extent. For me, bench press works the anterior delts plenty.