Best Program For Strength...

Tom Treutlein

New Member
What is the general consensus out there for the best routine for strength? I mean, I hear of both Westside and Metal Militia. My goals are size, strength, and then power. I figure I'll use HST to get to my desired size, then use a routine dedicated to strength (not to compete as a PLer, 'cuz I don't want that) so I can get a strength base, and then train with plyometrics and olympic lifts 3x a week to increase my power (force x acceleration) so I can increase my striking ability.

Yes. I rambled a bit. Sorry about that. Anyway, HST (size), then a program for strength, and then one for power.

So what do I do? What do I fill in the last two requirements with? Anyone?
Tom,read these two books, Dinosaur Training by Books Kubik, Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert your basic abrieviated hard core strenght training. These methods build strenght not size at least in my case.Training based on squats, trap bar deads, bench press, barrel lift, sand bags, and press. Train, eat, sleep, rest and you will be stronger.Regards Rob.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Robert N Currie @ Sep. 24 2004,2:46)]Tom,read these two books, Dinosaur Training by Books Kubik, Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert your basic abrieviated hard core strenght training. These methods build strenght not size at least in my case.Training based on squats, trap bar deads, bench press, barrel lift, sand bags, and press. Train, eat, sleep, rest and you will be stronger.Regards Rob.
I think Siff's "Supertraining" & Zatsiorsky's "Science & Practice" are superior.
Okay here you go tom.

HST for muscular size, body composition.

WSB to build maximal strength.


How serious are you about fighting? Because there are a LOT of physical elements to train in fighting. If I were training a fighter I would have him/her do the following:

-size maintenance workouts, not too taxing
-lower-body strength training and intense core work to provide a stable base of power for strikes
-ballistic training for striking muscle to increase acceleration
-"endurance" workouts for striking muscle groups, ie. many sets of 15 with low rest periods to increase an athletes ability to strike over many minutes
-HIIT cardio to increase critical power and vo2 max to keep you effective overall for longer time periods
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Calkid @ Sep. 25 2004,9:41)]WSB to build maximal strength.
That assumes that westside is the best.... which deepnds on how you set it up, which then alters it from a pure 'westside' style program.

Best program

Progressive overload
relatively freqent training
Specific training

Setting up a program is more along the lines of overload, recovery, and the persons lifestyle.'

Athletes are completely and utterly different. Their goals are not a powerlifters, so giving them something geared towards 'equipped' powerlifting is not always the best.
(Robert N Currie @ Sep. 24 2004,14:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tom,read these two books, Dinosaur Training by Books Kubik, Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert your basic abrieviated hard core strenght training. These methods build strenght not size at least in my case.Training based on squats, trap bar deads, bench press, barrel lift, sand bags, and press. Train, eat, sleep, rest and you will be stronger.Regards Rob.</div>
Anybody have thoughts on Dino Training or &quot;Beyond Brawn&quot;? What do these books/routines entail?