beta3 and mm4 from syntrax

I havent tried either but heres some info i found: I prefer good old ephedrine, caffeine they work for me.

MM4 - (synephrine,Coleonol/Forskolin)
Beta3 (octopamine) - A recent study conducted in dogs suggests that synephrine and octopamine can increase metabolic rate in a specific type of fat tissue known as brown adipose tissue (BAT). This effect would be expected to increase fat loss in humans – except for one small details – adult humans don’t have brown adipose tissue.
Good question, virtualcyber. I was curious about Beta3 myself.

As for MM4, I tried it for a month and didn't observe any marked changes in my body composition.
Eventually, but not yet. I'd like to first get my bf below 12% (right now I am just below 13%) and then get into CKD. Once I am below 10%, I will try beta3 by itself.
Eur J Pharmacol 2002 Apr 12;440(2-3):99-107 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut

beta(3)-Adrenoceptor agonists: potential, pitfalls and progress.

Arch JR.

GlaxoSmithKline, New Fontiers Science Park-North, Coldharbour Road, Essex CM19 5AD, Harlow, UK

beta(3)-Adrenoceptor agonists are very effective thermogenic anti-obesity and insulin-sensitising agents in rodents. Their main sites of action are white and brown adipose tissue, and muscle. beta(3)-Adrenoceptor mRNA levels are lower in human than in rodent adipose tissue, and adult humans have little brown adipose tissue. Nevertheless, beta(3)-adrenoceptors are expressed in human white as well as brown adipose tissue and in skeletal muscle, and they play a role in the regulation of energy balance and glucose homeostasis. It is difficult to identify beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonist drugs because the pharmacology of both beta(3)- and beta(1)-adrenoceptors can vary; near absolute selectivity is needed to avoid beta(1/2)-adrenoceptor-mediated side effects and selective agonists tend to have poor oral bioavailability. All weight loss is lipid and lean may actually increase, so reducing weight loss relative to energy loss. beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonists have a more rapid insulin-sensitising than anti-obesity effect, possibly because stimulation of lipid oxidation rapidly lowers intracellular long-chain fatty acyl CoA and diacylglycerol levels. This may deactivate those protein kinase C isoenzymes that inhibit insulin signalling.

PMID: 12007528 [PubMed - in process]
Perhaps Beta3 by Syntrax does work!!

Check out

"Acute effect of L-796568, a novel beta 3-adrenergic receptor agonist, on energy expenditure in obese men."

van Baak MA, Hul GB, Toubro S, Astrup A, Gottesdiener KM, DeSmet M, Saris WH. Related Articles
