better ways to get vinegar


New Member
it seems that few of the many that were planning on taking vinegar post workout remembered to or stuck with it.

it seems that the few that kept with it had decent results. for me i forgot, or didnt bc i wasnt in the mood for my throat to be scorched. i was thinking of some better ways to ingest it. i figured (not sure how many) pickels or oil/vinegar salad were the best options.

anyone else have any ideas on how to be more consistant with it all?
For me, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, a sqirt of lemon juice, diluted with about 4-6 ounces of water got rid of the burn. Especially if I didn't chug it all at once, just took it in 3 or 4 sips. But then again I like vinegar a lot. I also only took mine before or during carb meals.
I've been downing 1/4 cup of vinegar after dinner each day for a little while now and it seems to be doing something at least. It's not too bad if you chase it with plenty of water. Right now I'm not doing it because I'm trying out a PSMF briefly just to see what happens. But when I go back to sane, rational dieting, I'll definitely start with the vinegar again.

I like eating it with spinach too, or on salads like you mentioned. I'm sure you've already looked at the pills - they aren't worth it, in my opinion, when you compare the price to straight vinegar.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Aug. 20 2005,5:11)]I've been downing 1/4 cup of vinegar after dinner each day
Are you trying to pickle yourself, 1/4 cup everyday?
working quickly backwards from the rat research, they used 0.4g acetic acid per 69grams of carbohydrate.

0.4g of acetic acid is about 8ml vinegar (assuming 5% acetic acid which is pretty much normal), so that works out to about 1tablespoon per 100grams carbohydrates

but thats just pure extrapolation from rat work, doesnt show what would be required in humans
Actually I just picked 1/4 cup because it's easiest for me to measure out. I don't mind vinegar though. I like to add it to several different foods. I'm not sure how much it helped though.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Aug. 20 2005,6:11)]I've been downing 1/4 cup of vinegar after dinner each day for a little while now and it seems to be doing something at least.
My understanding was that you are supposed to take it before your meals. Also most people are using about 2 tablespoons, though I doubt more would do any harm.

Check out this thread, and the one I linked to at Avant:;t=1209
I've read the vinegar thread here, and the one at Avant Labs. From what I understand, you should use one tablespoon per 50 grams of carbs. Don't use it with meals with any less than 50 grams of carbs - no real need.

I notice a few minutes after ingesting that my muscles swell up slightly, and feel much tighter. I don't care to get into the science of it now. Some times I feel it's better not to ask questions - if it works, it works.

I shoot it straight out of a shot glass. Fill it just to the top - two tablespoons, roughly. Oh, and yes, it's supposed to be done prior to meals, but I've done it afterwards as well and haven't seen much of a difference.

Here are the threads, for reference:;t=1063
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jwbond @ Aug. 20 2005,11:14)]it seems that few of the many that were planning on taking vinegar post workout remembered to or stuck with it.
it seems that the few that kept with it had decent results. for me i forgot, or didnt bc i wasnt in the mood for my throat to be scorched. i was thinking of some better ways to ingest it. i figured (not sure how many) pickels or oil/vinegar salad were the best options.
anyone else have any ideas on how to be more consistant with it all?
Apple cider vinegar is alot easier to tolerate (IMO) than straight everyday vinegar. Try it and if it still gives you problems just put it in a diet soda to kill the taste.