Boxing + HST


After a long recovery (been out the gym for about 6 months with a shoulder tendinitis) I'm planning of going back to hst soon.
During the last month, and as part of my recovery, I started boxing. Never did it before and it sure is fun :D so I wouldn't like to drop it.
Could you please advise on how to combine hst and boxing?
My boxing workouts are MWF, about 90 minutes each. The whole workout is built around rounds, 3min on, 1min break

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I do a lot of glove work myself, here's my thoughts:

Do weights before hand - earlier in the day would be my advice, when you wake up or at lunch, some time with 3-4hrs spacing before boxing.

I would drop the 15s.

Eat like crazy to make up for the extra energy expenditure, you'll already struggle to maintain mass on boxing.

Include bent/rear lateral raises, do them to 10reps with strict form (whatever your 10rm is) and just leave them at this weight, the whole way through.

I might skip deadlifts.
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Hi Alex, thanks a lot for your reply.

It’s not an option for me to train 3-4h before. This is a traditional boxing club and opens at 10am and closes at lunch time. The earlier would be 1h before boxing. Would you still recommend it or I’d be better off boxing Mo-We-Fr and HST-ing Tu-Th?

If I drop the 15s, what would you suggest? 10-8-5-neg? This would give me a full 8 weeks cycle before SD? Or should I just keep 10-5-neg for a total of 6 weeks as boxing will sure top off my CNS system?

I’m assuming no boxing during SD, right?

Could you recommend a workout schedule? I was thinking of some like this:

- leg work, no calves though, plenty of rope jumping in boxing as you know :D!

- back: chin-ups, one-arm dumbbell row, (maybe some back extensions to strengthen the lower back?)

- chest: alternate between dips and bench press, although I might start with something ‘softer’ (dumbbell press?) to fully recover my shoulder

- shoulder: should I do any? Plenty of work in boxing

I’m not planning any arm-work, between chest and back work, and boxing I’d be hitting them pretty hard, what would you say?

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1h before hand should be fine so long as it's an actual 1hr break and not more like 20-30mins. You'll want to refeed on some protein and non-sugar carbs of course, get your electrolytes back up. Keep

I would stick with 10-5-5RM extension, I would probably do the latter portion for 4 weeks, maybe 6. You will want the heavy weights to maintain muscle as best you can whilst boxing. Trying to bulk is probably going to be a stretch, but then again, with enough food it's not impossible :). Don't be a hero and try to PR. You're unlikely to put much muscle on at a fast rate, hell, I would expect the first cycle to be a cut even if you don't intend it.

Definitely no boxing during SD.

I would keep the volume to 2 sets. It depends how fresh you want to be your sessions. Your body will learn to endure and become better at the managing the extra exercise, having said that, the first week or so might be a bit killer :D


-Boxing is obviously all power from the legs, glutes (hips). I would include squats & leg curls (deadlifts will just wreck you, IMO). I don't think you'll need extra leg raises necessarily but some people like the extra quad work. I would focus on strict squat form and definitely make sure it's ass-to-ground.

-Chins/pull and rows are fine. Your lower back will take care of itself I dare say.

-Chest-wise, go with whichever exercise is most comfortable. Preferably a BB or dips, as the extra stabiliser work might just tire you out.

-Shoulders are a must. It's because of their importance that I would absolutely include them. I wouldn't do DB's again for same reason as before; too much energy spent stabilising. Military Press or a machine would be just fine here. I would probably do lateral raises as well. Stick to using your 10RM and then strict 5-6RM. No need to increment. It's to keep them under strain and help build your endurance. Nice and slow rep speed is what I prefer.

You won't need triceps work at all obviously, the CNS strain will just hold you back IMO. Biceps will get enough via chins, and you obviously use them and your lats to whip your arms back (retract) when jabbing or a non-over committed cross.

General note: 2 sets for the first cycle, probably go to 3 sets for the 2nd - in 3mths time etc
Hi Alex, thanks for the very detailed guidelines, started yesterday.
Could you recommend alternatives to conventional squat? They do not have a squat rack in the gym. They have though a multipower rack, leg press and hack squat machine.

Also may I ask why do you recommend 10rm shoulder raises through the cycle (not that I'm complaining :))

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Leg press is good. Multipower might be better, might not. It's important to make sure you're getting glute&hip strength, so I'd skip hack squats.

10RM raises are to keep those shoulders healthy, nice and fluid and to make sure your rear and middle delts are getting attention no matter if chin or row form slips here and there sometimes. Mainly for shoulder integrity and endurance though. I'd do 2-3 sets of those, probably actually after the boxing work. End on a good shoulder note etc.
Also, something else I would do for shoulder endurance is shoot hoops. Not 1-on-1, not pickups. Just get a rebounding buddy and shoot 1k shots in an afternoon, 2-3 times a week.