Browners Log

The way I trained last year to get sub 50 mins for a 10k was to get in a long (10+ miles) run in at the weekend @ 9:00 to 9:20 minute mile pace with two runs during the week (between 5 and 7 miles) at a quicker pace until I got down to the 8:00 minute mile pace - your pace currently is approx 8 minute 11 seconds so you are only 43 seconds from sub 50 minute 10k

Thanks for the advice! I might start making my weekend runs longer then, as I'm only doing 6-8 mile long runs at the weekend. I'm doing HIIT Cardion on 2 of my weight training days so hoping that will help get the pace up too
Tonight's numbers (kilos);

Squat - 100 x 5, 100 x 5, 105 x 5, 110 x 5, 120 x 5
Bench - 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 100 x 5, 100 x 5, 100 x 5
Row - 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 85 x 5, 85 x 5, 85 x 5

20 mins HIIT run to finish
Today's run in my 10k and tough mudder build up was 6 miles 55 minutes, so quite a slow pace.

The problem in having with my runs at the moment isn't breathing or VO2 Max, but starting to get calf soreness and tightness during my runs. Anyone think I should perhaps take a week off running and replace it with maybe rowing/cycling in the gym instead?

Do you stretch before or after the run, is it just tight or does it feel like a pull? If you think it is more like a pull then take a week or so off. - i tore my calf thinking it was just tight had to take 6 weeks off completely so not worth taking the risk

Do you stretch before or after the run, is it just tight or does it feel like a pull? If you think it is more like a pull then take a week or so off. - i tore my calf thinking it was just tight had to take 6 weeks off completely so not worth taking the risk

I stretch both before and after. Also foam roll a couple of times a week. It just feels really tight, but might take a week off the running to be safe!
Tonight's weights;

Front squat (5reps)

Military Press (5 reps)

Deadlifts (5 reps)
160kg (5 rm PB)

20:00-22:00 MMA. An hour of sparring followed by an hour groundwork
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Fridays Numbers:

Squat (kgs)

Bench Press(kgs)

Row (kgs)
SD Needed

After 6 weeks HST, then continuing the 5 reps through for a further 4 weeks 5x5 style, and with all the extra cardio I have been doing, I feel the time has come to take a SD break. My body is screaming for a break. With that in mind I am going to take 10 days out. When I return to the gym, I am thinking of running a Westside Program as per below; Monday– Dynamic Effort Bench Press SessionBench Press 8 X 3 @ 55% 1RM, Close Grip Bench, 4 X 5 Shoulders – Military Press, 4 X 5 Lats – Bent Over Row, 4 X 5 Wednesday– Max Effort Squat/Deadlift Session Deadlift - Three sets of 1-3 reps @ 90 -100% of 1RM Squats - Three sets of 1-3 reps @90-100% of 1RM Hamstrings – Leg Curl 3 X 6 Lower back – Reverse Hyperextensions 3 X 10 Abdominals – Weighted Sit-ups 3 X 10 Friday– Max Effort Bench Session Bench Press, three sets of 1-3 reps @ 90 -100% of 1RM Triceps – Barbell Tricep Extensions, 6 X 10 Shoulders – Rear DB Raises, 3 X 10 Lats – Seated Row, 5 X 8 Sunday– Dynamic Effort Squat/Deadlift Session Squat movement - Box Squat, 10x2 @ 50% 1RM Lower back/hamstrings – Stiff-Legged Deadlifts, 5 X 5 Abdominals – Hanging Leg Raise, 4 X 8 Would be interested to know if anyone has run a similar program and if they have had good results? My goal is to carry on loosing Body fat, while maintaining as much muscle and strength as possible, so my calories will be around a 200-300 deficit.
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And if anyone knows how to make the [Enter] button work when posting threads rather than coming out in this mess I would also be gratefull! lol
Have you tried writing it in a word document then copy and paste, I don't know if that works but worth a try
This is my attempt at doing that lolWrote it in word, then cut and paste. Has it worked??
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Haha, I think you're right there!! Is anyone else having the same trouble?
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Im Back....

Haven't been training much last few months due to a shoulder injury, but starting back tonight with a HST program. 3 days a week (Mon/Wed/Fri) The program I am going to run is;
  • 2 weeks 15 reps (2 x 15)
  • 2 weeks 10 reps (2 x 10)
  • 4 weeks 5 reps (3 x 5)
Here are the exercises;
  1. Squats
  2. SLDLs
  3. Bench Press
  4. Chins
  5. Bent Over Rows
  6. Military Press
  7. BB Shrugs
  8. Rear Delt Flies
I may add in deadlifts when I get into the 5 rep stage, and alternate with squats. Looking forward to getting some gains back! Any suggestions or comments feel free to post them
First time doing high reps last night in a long time, and realised how un fit I am. I was struggling CV wise with 15 reps, especially with the squats. Anyway here are the numbers from last night;

Week 1, Day 1
  • Squats = 60kg
  • SLDLs = 50kg
  • Bench Press = 60kg
  • Chins + Bodyweight (struggled to reach 15 reps)
  • Bent Over Rows = 50kg
  • Military Press = 35kg
  • BB Shrugs = 60kg
  • Rear delt flies = 8kg
Hopefully I will get some fitness back quickly!
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