Calisthenics HST hybrid training


New Member
I have devised a workout program where I can do calisthenics and weight training. Here is what it looks like. (made a few corrections)

Weight training
2 x 15 squats
2 x 15 deadlifts
2 x 15 Abs
2 x 15 hyperextensions
2x 15 shoulder shrugs
2 x 15 Neck extensions and neck 2 x15 Neck curls

2 x 15 Bench press
2x 15 Military press
2 x 15 BB rows
2 x 15 BB curls
2 x 15 DB Triceps extension


4 x 15 One-legged squats 1/1/2/2/3/3/4/4/5/5/
2 x 15 Knee to chest
2 x 15 Twisting Crunches
2 x15 Front Bridge
2 x 15 Backwards Bridge

2 x15 Decline push-ups
2 x 15 Jackknife push-ups
2 x 15 Kip Pull-ups
2 x 15 Underhand pull-ups
2 x 15 Bench dips

Monday - Calisthenics A

Tuesday – Weight Training B

Wednesday – Weight training A

Thursday – Calisthenics B

Friday – Weight training A

Saturday – Calisthenics B

I included neck and trap training because I want to increase the size of my neck.

I just wanted to hear people's thoughts and critique.
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Sorry, the purpose of this workout program is its flexibility. It allows me to keep my workouts short and at the same time I don't have to drive to the gym everyday, I can just workout at home for the other 3 workouts. I keep the workouts short because I don't like working out for more then 40min per workout. Working out everyday by a little bit works better for me. Sometimes I even spread my workout through out the day : ) I wish I had the patience to workout 3 times a week for an hour and an half - 2 hours but I don't. I warm up with yoga or other cardio 20-30 minutes before every workout. This way I am actually more motivated to do cardio/yoga everday believe it or not. Also, I feel as if I have more energy for my workouts this way.