Can a bloodtest help


New Member
I'm sure I read on here that having a bloodtest can give information on something. I can't think what it was. Just wondering if it can help knowing what works for you in the gym or on how much calories to eat. What type of results can you get from a bloodtest for gaining muscle and weight.

Thanks for your time.
The bloodtest you are referring to is to obtain your blood testosterone levels. This is to make sure your levels are high enough to gain muscle. There are many symptoms of low testosterone such as sexual dysfunction, fatigue, depression, inability to gain muscle mass.

I'ts easy to get a starting point as far as how many calories to take in. Just figure your BMR. The formula is on this forum somewhere (in Eating For Size article, I think). Or do a Google search on "BMR calculator." There are dozens on the Web.

Hope this helps.
Hi Thanks for your help. I found a BMR Calculater and it said that I need 1807 calories a day. So is that like a minimum amount I need daily. So when I go to the docters do I just ask for a blood test to find out my blood testorone level. When I get the results will the docter beable to say weather my blood testorone level is hi or low enough to gain muscle.
Your BMR is the amount of calories you need to maintain your current wt. if you are completely sedentary. Obviously, you arent. There are activity multipliers that are used to factor in your daily activities. Once you obtain this number you can add 300-500 calories to start off with to get the amnt of calories you want to ingest per day in order to gain weight.

Of course, this is just a starting point. Read the "Eating for Size" article under the "Articles" tab on this website Everything is there for you to learn, so get to reading! It will tell you all you need to know to get started.

In reference to your T-lvls, the doctor will be able to tell you if your lvls are within normal limits.(If I remember my lab values correctly it should be at least around 250ng/dL) If they are below the low range of normal limits, he or she may prescribe a hormone replacement.
Hi well I read the article. It helped me alot. I'll go see the docter see what they say about my blood levels. Thanks for your help.
I went to the docters to enquire about the bloodtest. The docter just asked me questions first because she will be able to tell that my blood is ok from the answers I give here. After afeiw questions she said my blood was ok and she didnt feel the need for me to go to have a blood test. So I havnt gone to get 1.

Once I had a fasting blood test and about 1 minute after I had the blood test I fainted and fell on my face and fractured my mouth so in away I'm ok about not having the blood test.