Carbs with Protein pre and post workout


New Member
After reading and rereading what Bryan has written regardingguidelines for dieting versus bulking
on nutrition surrounding training, I am confused. I have reviewed many of Tipton's studies, he has tested pre versus post workout protein + carb feeding, and my other combinations. Tipton, et. al. research seems to favor protein plus carbs pre as well as post-workout. Bryan's opinion that protein may get stuck in the gut is interesting. Few others (Dr. Serrano) support this opinion that insulin release is not necessary to the delivery of EAA into the muscles. My questions are:
1) Can anyone better explain and maybe have additional research that EAA are getting lost in the gut with insulin present?
2) During the dieting phase has anyone implemented Bryan's specific plan with success? Or like HST in general, should stick to pre/post nutrition model with changes coming elsewhere leaving the workout experience as anabolic as possible no matter calorie intake?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ryan @ Mar. 20 2003,10:26)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]My questions are:
1) Can anyone better explain and maybe have additional research that EAA are getting lost in the gut with insulin present?

Regardless of the details (which seem to cause unrest and controversy whenever I bring it up) you can overcome this phenomenon with "quantity" of protein.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2) During the dieting phase has anyone implemented Bryan's specific plan with success? Or like HST in general, should stick to pre/post nutrition model with changes coming elsewhere leaving the workout experience as anabolic as possible no matter calorie intake?

Think of carbs as your modulator of fat "mobilization". So, if you are looking for a moderate drop in fat, leave your pre-post workout routine the same, keeping everything as anabolic as possible around your workout.

If you want a slightly more catabolic (fat mobilizing) effect of your training, drop the carbs pre-workout but include them in your post-workout drink.

Finally, if you really need fat to start moving, drop the carbs from your pre- and post-workout drinks. Then add them back in a couple hours after your workout with a whole-food meal.
If I can intrude i would like to ask your opinion about post-workout food.

I mainly have 2 options:
1)train 18:30-19:30 no postworkout drink and dinner immediately after.
2)train later (say 20
0) no dinner(but an additional little meal around 18:30) postworkout drink and off to bed 2 hours later.

Which is the best option for my body?

Thx guys
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]boggy, 1)train 18:30-19:30 no postworkout drink and dinner immediately after.

This is also when I lift. I have a postwork drink (Driver) with maltodextrin
then dinner w/ carbs around 21.00. I don't add too much fat when eating like this.
I usually get fat from total calories each day ;)