cgutcu log


New Member
Hi, i new here.I will try to post my workouts here, to have some feadback from the inteligents trainers of this forum.
My goal is size and strength.I do 2 full body workouts a week.I am 5'9.5", 163 lbs, 32" waist, and I am bulking now.
So, my last workout was:

Leg press:503 lbs, 10 reps max-stim style.
Chins:B.W + 68 lbs 8 reps max-stim
Incline dunbell bench press:72 lbs x 5reps,3reps
Leg curl:88 lbs x 5,3
Dips:B.W + 61lbs x 6 reps
Dunbell lateral raises:26 lbs x 8 reps max-stim
Skull Cr.(for triceps):91 lbs x 4,3
Wrist curl whit dunbells:52 lbs x 6,3
Back extension:B.W + 39 lbs x 9

Quad supplied the corret link... now just follow it and take out most of your isolations and you should be g2g.
Today workout:

Leg Press:494 lbs x 5,5(2 sets of 5reps)

Bench press:201 lbs 3,3

Pullup:B.W+52lbs x 8 singles

MP:109 lbs x 4,3

One arm dunbell rows:101 lbs x 6,4

What's your reasoning behind the rep ranges, are you at the end of a routine of some sort? If not , find those 1rms plug them into the HST calculator and start a cycle. Here's a calculator to help figure your 1rm if you feel uncomfortable with singles.

heres one to enter the 1rm into to calculate 15, 10, and 5rm-

and finally the HST calculator-

He doesn't HAVE to do HST guys. Maybe he just likes this board and wants to do a log. Slapshots doesns't follow HST and I don't either lately.

Btw, you are pretty strong for your size. Good luck.
(scientific muscle @ Jun. 05 2007,17:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He doesn't HAVE to do HST guys.  Maybe he just likes this board and wants to do a log.  Slapshots doesns't follow HST and I don't either lately.</div>
Good point
I am here because is drug-free training, whit very good information on training.
I like to have a log to share whit outhers my training.
My workouts are a litle crazy,I am doing a experiment now, trying to break my personal records whit low volume and big eating.I have the plan to do a HST cycle, I just want to end my current cycle(that last's 6 weeks).
Thank's for coments, and I am still very weak,

Have a lot to go.
I the future I will post some photos, but now I am to much fat!!
Today workout(06.08):eek:nly reps listed:

Leg press:494 lbs x 5,5
Chins:B.W+66 lbs x 4,4 B.W + 44 lbs x 5
Incline dunbell bench press:70 lbs x 5,5
Dips:B.W + 64 lbs x 6
Back extension:B.W+39 lbs

Was a bad workout.I was weak and depressed.Maybe I am overtrained.
Thank's for reading
(cgutcu @ Jun. 05 2007,20:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am doing a experiment now, trying to break my personal records whit low volume and big eating.

I the future I will post some photos, but now I am to much fat!!
Couple of friendly suggestions, if I may.

If you already have too much fat, I'm not sure low volume &amp; big eating are the right combo to use. I think you'll be disappointed in the amount of fat you put on.

Of course, if you're training specifically for powerlifting, that's a different story, but I don't think that's the case, is it?

If you're going to train with low volume, I would focus on simply gaining strength whilst maintaining your current weight, or a slight caloric reduction &amp; some cardio to lose some of the fat. Just a suggestion
Today workout:90 min of killer!!(at least for me):
Only reps listed
Bench Press:201 lbs x 3,3,3 166 lbs x 6

Pull-Ups:B.W+ 50 lbs x 4,3 B.W+ 17 lbs x 6

MP:109 lbs x 4,3

Leg press:494 lbs x 5,5,5

Dips:B.W + 66lbs x 6

Bent-over dunbell lateral raises:22 lbs x 4(I stoped on 4 reps, because then only partial reps;my delts was to tired.Pull-Ups works the rear-delts??

Barbell Curls:96 lbs x 3,3 73 lbs x 7

Back extension:B.W+ 39 lbs x 10

Calve work
Reverse wrist curl whit dunbell

That it.

Thank's for reading and coment it!!
I a felling totally burnout, fatigued.
I think is time to try some HST,Max-stim, clusters, etc
I will do a search on the forum to get some idea
Workout 1 06/19

65% 1RM

Leg Press:362lbs x 10,6,3,3,3,5
Incline bench press whit dunbells:52lbs x 10,5,5,4,4,2
Chins:B.W x 10,4,3,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,1,1
Dip:B.W + 8lbs x 10,8,6,4,2
Back extension:B.W x 10

This is a cycle by UFGatorDude idea.
Take me 1 hour to complete.The pump was amazing, since I did low volume for years, this was a dificult workout to me, but I liked it.I did 10 reps on first set, than normal set, max-stim or cluster to ad volume, to reach the 30 reps goal.
I will not post so often in the next 3 weeks, no free-time, but I will uptade my workouts.
Thank's for reading
Looks like a great start. I'll be looking forward to seeing updates as I want to see how effective something like this is for someone else. If you feel like your chest is getting a little overworked towards the end of the cycle, you could probably make extra drops in your volume on incline and dips.

But if it works great for you, then no need to make changes. Good luck!
Workout 2 65%1RM

Leg Press:362 lbs x 10,8,6,2,2,2
Bench Press:140 lbs x 10,8,6,3,2,1
Chins:B.W x 10,6,4,3,2,1,1,1,1,1
MP:78 lbs x 8,5,5,2,2,2,2,2,2
One arm dunbell rows:70 lbs x 10,10,8,8,6,6,6,6,6(30 reps whit each arm)

70 min to complete

Workout 3: 06/26 70%1RM

Leg press:388 lbs x 10,8,6,3,3
Incline dunbell bench press:57 lbs x 8,6,4,4,3,3,2
Chins:B.W + 8 lbs x 8,5,10 MS, 3,3,1
Dips:B.W + 22 lbs x 10,7,3
Back extensions:B.W + 17 lbs x 10

Sorry for posting late,no free time.
I will ad 5% each week, to reach 100% on week 8, since I only do 2 fullbody workouts a week.
I too reduced the volume on dips from 30 to 20 reps, since I already did 30 reps on the inclines, I think no need to such volume on dips.
I liking the workouts.
Thank's for reading
Workout 4

70%1RM 06/29

Leg press:388 lbs x 10,5,5,3,3,4
Bench Press:149 lbs x 8,6,5,3,3,3,2
Pull-up B.W x 8,5,5,2,2,2,2,2,2
MP:82 lbs x 6,5,5,3,3,3
One-arm dunbell rows:79 lbs x 10,8,5,5,5,4
Workout 75% 1RM 07/03

Leg press:419 lbs x 8,6,3,3
Incline dunbell bench press:61 lbs x 6,5,5,4
Chins:B.W + 26 lbs x 7,5,5,3
Dips:B.W+37 lbs x 8,5,2
Back extension:B.W +33lbs x 10

Now I am doing 20 reps per mov, 15 on dips.
I am felling my muscles small, instead of hard when I did lower reps whit heavy weigths.Maybe I am more inclined to do cycles whit only heavy weigths(5-8 reps).

Thank's for reading