Check out my routine


New Member
Hey everyone...I posted this in the General Board but now I kind of feel that since I'm new this maybe should go here.'s the same post as I posted there, sorry to the mods and stuff about this and if you need to delete one sorry but I actually still dont know where this actually belongs :confused: lol...

Hey everyone, I'm new to these boards and pretty new to HST as well, even though I have read as much as I could find on the subject and think I have a good understanding. I have already found my maxes and am starting my program on Sunday, where I will be working out Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'd like to show my routine so those of you who have done this before can kind of fine tune this for me to what you think will work best. Thanks a lot everyone and I hope this forum (and method) is as good as it looks!

(BTW I only have a bench, barbell and dumbell so there were some ideal excercises I had to replace)

Hack Barbell Squat
Straight-Leg Barbell Deadlift
Flat Barbell Press
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
Bench Dips (will put weight in my lap)
Upright Barbell Rows
Hammer Curls
Seated Calf Raise

Thanks to any and all feedback!

Not to leave you question unanswered, the choioce of exercises is not too bad, considering you don't have a lot of choice.

Are you doing Hack squats because of lack of a wrack? If so, be careful as this exercise can sometimes hurt your rhomboids, emphasize the form well with less than heavy weight before you go nuts!

Choose the heavier exercises first in order to save your strength throughout the program, try to alternate squast and deadlifts on different days unless you want to do them together, this tends to be a bit much for the back!

Follow HST principles:

Progression 5% (isolations) / (10 % compounds).
work out RM maxes 15/10 and 5's, if alone do 4 weeks of 5's or try to go into the 3 RM realm if you can!
Eat above maintenance by 500 or so calories (check out the HST diet guidance plan)
SD after finding maxes and ....start....enjoy the lifting!
I'm with Fausto, good exercise selection considering the lack of equipment that you have access to. When you have the training down pat.. and you will have the total idea after lifting for a couple weeks in an HST cycle, then what's left is figuring out the correct diet. Without eating correctly, you won't gain muscle and lose fat. HST's Important Topics Page

That's a good collection of useful information scattered through this website as well as links to some other stuff through the web that will help you. The FAQ's are extremely under estimated. I go by there time to time to refresh my mind about the importance of some things.

After a cycle or two, check out the Pimp My HST E-Book.. that will help you with customizating of HST (i.e. tweaking and applying HST principals the best you can)

As long as you stick to a the principals of HST, have a good selection and # of exercises (you do), and eat properly - you will succeed.
