Cluster HST ?


New Member

just get into HST and read lots of praise about cluster HST in german forums, but can´t find Bryans words on it, maybe someone can point me to the right thread/page . Many thanks

just get into HST and read lots of praise about cluster HST in german forums, but can´t find Bryans words on it, maybe someone can point me to the right thread/page . Many thanks

It just means ignoring 'sets'. You set a rep target and stick with that through the whole HST cycle, perhaps not the negatives. So if your rep target is 25 reps for every workout, it could be three sets of five, one set of four, and two set of three. However many sets as is necessary to manage fatigue. You keep your volume consistent that way, at least in terms of rep count.
Use the advanced search feature and search for HST Cluster (titles only search). There aren't that many results. There is a post by Bryan about that topic. I think he said essentially progression is what matters, regardless of sets or clusters.

IMO cluster training is useful to keep fatigue to a minimum, which makes sense because hypertrophy is to a larger extent caused by mechanic load / tension, less by metabolic factors.
I find Cluster HST to be my favourite organisation in terms of the workouts, and certainly results comparable (or even favourable) - I highly recommend it.
ok, great that you like it. I ´ll probably try some clustering/maxstim combination on my next cycle.
I find that for diets when the carb intake is much lower, that clustering gives you a much easier time completing the heavy weights. Personally I don't find it to be particularly effective for 15s or 10s (maybe for 10s maxes). There's a decent write up in one of the HST e-book compilations.