Confused about pre/post carb intake


New Member
I've been reading these forum for the last couple of weeks. I'm going to try my first HST cycle 11. october.
I'm trying to get my diet in order for when I start. But I'm confused about the pre/post carb intake.
By Blade in FAQ section: Topic: Diet and nutrition, for fat loss or gaining muscle (Gaining muscle mass post)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Anyway, my point is this, Take your protein without (or with less) carbs immediately after you workout. This will allow more amino acids to skirt past your enterocytes and liver and make it into the blood stream where they are taken up by skeletal muscle. Then take your carbs one hour later, which still allows you to take advantage of the metabolic "window" post workout.
Pre/Post exercise nutrition (articles section)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It is recommended that at least 0.7 - 1.0 gram of carbohydrate per kilogram body weight be consumed immediately after exercise and then again 1-2 hours later. If you experience gastric upset try increasing the amount of water you consume with the carbs.
From Eating for size (Article section)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]PRE-HST
1 scoop PRIMER 20g
HS:CRE (5g)
1 scoop DRIVER
20g Dextrose
__ Tbs Flax
So which one is it? 1 gr per kg or is 20gr pre/post enough?
Same for protein, not sure about protein intake either. I know about the ~2 gr per kg over 24 hrs but what should I shoot for pre/post?
Thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to reading your replies.
I take 20 Grams Protein Preworkout with about 35 Grams Carbs (apple Juice). Post workout I take 20 Grams Protein then 1 hour later another 35 Grams Carbs (again Apple Juice for my Carbs) plus eat a meal after that but I generally work out in the evening.
You gotta expierment and find out what works best for your body. It may take a couple different combos of things to see what you respond best to. For me post wo I take apx. 55g of carbs and 30g of protein. Pre workout is usually a small snack for me cus I'm in class, but it is 20g carbs 15g of protein.