Contest Prep: HST meets Leangains

Have you been a member here in the past? Or on some of the other boards? You sound familiar.
Hey, Philipp, all the best with your prep. Thanks for taking the time to keep a log here. I'll be very interested to see how you get on.

Is 185lb the heavy-weight class or are you going in lighter this time? Have you used Martin's IF plan prepping for your previous shows?

Interesting that you will still do 15s when cutting. Did this work for you in 2009? If I am cutting, I tend to skip 15s at the start of the cycle but add them in as a pump set during 5s and 3s. So, I'd start a cycle with 10s (when on a cut); for the first few sessions I'm going to be using a load that I could probably get 15 reps with if I pushed myself hard. I guess I've always been worried that 15s would be too light to maintain lean mass on a calorie deficit.
Good luck this year on you contests. Please keep posting your results I’m quite interested in how it works out for you since I’m about the same build as you are, only a bit on the fatter side by comparison.
Hi Philipp, looking at your pic, you have long humeri which has the effect of making your tris appear smaller than they really are in the front double biceps pose. As the long head of the triceps is biarticulate it would make sense to me to include some kind of stretch point movement in your routine that will hit that head of your tris harder.

So, instead of triceps push downs, something like lying or standing try extensions might be a good idea. I think the lying ones might be better as you can lower the bar (EZ-curl bar is my favourite) behind your head for a really big stretch and then use the stretch reflex to power the bar back up. This is not the same as a pullover as you use more elbow flexion and extension like a regular skull-crusher, and include shoulder flexion and extension. Think of it being like a skull-crusher only you allow the bar to travel close to, but past your skull and then down as far as you comfortably can before powering the bar back up and extending your elbows.

You are already doing dips so adding in a stretch-point movement for a few cycles might really help to add some extra mass to your tris. I think that'll be good for your overall symmetry. :)

Just out of interest, how much load are you dipping with for sets of 5?
Okay...first 3 days of SD are over, I am hungry like hell and I am looking forward to the new cycle :-)

But another question: Did anyone of you have experience with an upper/lower body split 6-times per week, compared with 3-times per week a whole-body training?

I’ve used 6-times per week upper/lower split with great success. I’m not sure if the reasons are physiological or psychological in that I find I focus on each rep of each exercise more with the lower volume per session doing the six day split. Plus I just like to exercise so doing a split lets me train more often.

There are some indications that exercising every 24 hours can help with nutrient partitioning but I’m not sure that’s going to matter while cutting, and like Tot mentions you have to eat more to grow doing this.
Okay. SD seems to work. My legs feel already sore after a brisk walk outside yesterday. LOL. 8 days seem to be long enough for a first deconditioning. Looking forward to the new cycle next week :-)

Haha. You are going to suffer after your first session. Don't go at it too hard!
Happy New Year Everyone!

2013 started for me with another lower body workout:

Front squats - 3 sets of 15 @ 155 (+23lbs)
Leg extension - 2 sets of 15 @ 120 (+10lbs)
SLDL - 3 sets of 15 @ 265 (+20lbs)
Leg curl - 2 sets of 15 @ 80 (+15lbs)
Standing calf raise - 3 sets of 15 @ 440 (+45lbs)
Seated calf raise - 2 sets of 15 @ 195

Was a nice workout. Felt light during the first 1-2 sets and moderate to light heavy for the last set of each exercise. I think I have started well with these weights.
Another workout days is done, another step of my journey, too.

Current body-weight: 206lbs

Upper-body workout:
DB incline bench press - 2 sets of 15 @ 60lbs (+5lbs)
Weighted dips - 2 sets of 15 @ +10lbs
DB flys - 1 set of 15 @ 45lbs (+7lbs)
BB bent over row - 2 sets of 15 @ 155lbs (+12lbs)
Pull-ups - 2 sets of 15 @ body-weight (+/-0)
DB pull-over - 1 set of 15 @ 65lbs
Seated lateral raise - 2 sets of 15 @ 40lbs (+7lbs)
DB shoulder press - 2 sets of 15 @ 50lbs (+/-0)
BB Upright row - 1 set of 15 @ 88lbs
Seated DB curls - 1 set of 15 @ 40lbs (+7lbs)
Lying triceps extensions - 1 set of 15 @ 88lbs (+11lbs)

Duration: 35 minutes

Was an absolutely nice workout. Later the day, I went for a 5K brisk walk. My general feeling is awesome and I am looking forward how I can progress during the next weeks!
Hi Phillip,

Whats your exact cycle breakdown? And what did your last nonlinear cycle looked like?

PS: Hast Du früher cluster hst a la zyko gemacht? Gruß nach Deutschland;)
It is a little bit messy at the moment. Working out every day isn't possible. So I hit the gym on M/W/F, trying to follow an AM/PM workout split. But I don't worry if there are days, I can't go to the gym twice as long as I follow the principle of progressive load.
During the last year, my focus was on getting stronger and I did some 5/3/1 cycles.

Cluster HST habe ich noch nie WIRKLICH gemacht, weil es einfach sehr zeitintensiv und langweilig ist, plane ich aber auch für 2013 ein ;-)

Alles klar. Ich find der nachteil am HSt oder cluster die fehlenden Prs.
Sicher wenn man einen zyklus nach dem anderen macht und nach jedem einfach so gewicht draufpackt kommts aufs gleiche aber es macht halt überhaupt keinen fun.
hst schon den neuen artikel auf t-nation gelesen?:

BTW: Dein pic schaut gut aus!
Die fehlenden PRs machen mir gar kein Problem. Ich mag bei HST einfach die hohe Frequenz und daher machen mir leichtere Einheiten gar nichts aus.

Alles klar. Also was mich stört ist, dass Gewichte die eigentlich "leicht" sein sollten sich sehr schwer und "kalt" anfühlen. Habs heute eh in meinem log gepostet.
Eh wurscht so lang man mehr drauf packt. Und wenns trotzdem nicht geht halt clustern oder ähnliches.

Allerdings würde es mich SEHR interessieren wo der Unterschied liegt wenn man die Gewicht steigert weil man es "kann" also stärker geworden ist-oder unabhängig davon konstant gewichte draufzuschmeißen wie bei HST.
Hast Du dazu ne Meinung?