I'm 18, 6'2, 185lb about to start a 8 week bulking cycle, trying to get above 200lb with minimal fat gain (if any). Ill be using a program based on the fitness fatigue theory, alot like HST. This is how itll go...
1: Regular- 4x a week (2x upper, 2x lower)
2-3: Loading- 6x a week (3x uppper, 3x lower)
4-5: Deload- 2x a week (1x upper, 1x lower)
6-7: Loading
8-9: Deload
I will be using the HST principles (2 factor theory, submaximal, etc. and doing 3 sets of each ex. bw 6-10 reps).
Im trying to come up with a good bulking diet. Im a pretty active person, with daily soccer practice for 2-3 hours (i am, however, a goalkeeper and dont do much running around at all)... Unfortunately i have found alot of contradicting information on this webpage, between the articles, the FAQ, and the HSN bulking guide, heres what ive found.
BW in kg x24 x1.4 + 500
15-20% cals
1gm lb/bw
Whatever is left
7-10gm carbs per kg (595-850gm!!!
Pre workout-
Avoid fat
50gm carbs/20gm carbs/30gm carbs
20gm protein/15gm protein
Carbs 1gm/kg BW and same 1-2hrs later
Protein 20gm/30gm alone immediately after and then carbs an hour later?
Fat 1tbsp flax oil
So what combination of these is best for mass gain? im thinking the incredibly high carbs, and then 20-25% fat, 15% protein, and relatively small pre and post workout meals, as glycogen is so high anyway from all the carbs taken throughout 24 hrs and thats what matters.
Also, should my diet be different in different phases (regular, loading, deloading) of my program?
1: Regular- 4x a week (2x upper, 2x lower)
2-3: Loading- 6x a week (3x uppper, 3x lower)
4-5: Deload- 2x a week (1x upper, 1x lower)
6-7: Loading
8-9: Deload
I will be using the HST principles (2 factor theory, submaximal, etc. and doing 3 sets of each ex. bw 6-10 reps).
Im trying to come up with a good bulking diet. Im a pretty active person, with daily soccer practice for 2-3 hours (i am, however, a goalkeeper and dont do much running around at all)... Unfortunately i have found alot of contradicting information on this webpage, between the articles, the FAQ, and the HSN bulking guide, heres what ive found.
BW in kg x24 x1.4 + 500
15-20% cals
1gm lb/bw
Whatever is left
7-10gm carbs per kg (595-850gm!!!

Pre workout-
Avoid fat
50gm carbs/20gm carbs/30gm carbs
20gm protein/15gm protein
Carbs 1gm/kg BW and same 1-2hrs later
Protein 20gm/30gm alone immediately after and then carbs an hour later?
Fat 1tbsp flax oil
So what combination of these is best for mass gain? im thinking the incredibly high carbs, and then 20-25% fat, 15% protein, and relatively small pre and post workout meals, as glycogen is so high anyway from all the carbs taken throughout 24 hrs and thats what matters.
Also, should my diet be different in different phases (regular, loading, deloading) of my program?