Converting to HST


New Member
First of all, I'm new here and wanted to say hi to everyone. Hopefully I'm able to learn a lot about HST from ya'll.

I have been lifting for about 5 or 6 years off and on. I've done a few cycles of steroids in the past. I pretty much stuck to a traditional 1 muscle/day, 6x/wk workout. My brother recently introduced me to HST and I thought I'd give it a try. I am currently monitoring my caloric intake and pretty much have that covered, so my questions will be concerning the actual training. I haven't worked out consistently in over a year, so I figure this is a good time to start HST. Right now I'm doing 1 set per muscle 6x/wk. The weight is obviously a LOT lower than what I'm used to, because I've always tried killing my muscles in the gym. I'm used to doing at least 4 different exercises per muscle on a given day. HST is completely different. I have a few questions about this:

1. Should I expect to gain good size off of an HST cycle since in the past I always worked with much higher weights?

2. Would it be wiser to do 2 sets per muscle instead of 1 since I'm used to doing many more sets per muscle? (I just don't get the feeling I used to after a workout with just 1 set. Obviously this is because I trained close to failure a lot in the past, but I still want to make sure I am training the muscle sufficiently.)

3. Having not trained consistently in over a year, I have decreased dramatically in size and strength. I have heard the term "muscle memory" before but I am not sure if there is any truth to it. Will it be easier for me to gain size/strength because I have been there before or is it the same as if I had never had that size/strength before?

4. If I can gain size/strength more quickly since I've been there before, should I still start an HST cycle at 70% of my current 15/10/5 rep max?

My main concern in all of this is doing "too little" in the gym and not growing to my potential. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right things to maximize my overall growth. Thanks for any help ya'll can provide me with! :)
1. This is going to depend on your conditioning at the time you start HST. The longer it has been the more apt the lower weight will be beneficial.
2.Bryan recommends 2 sets for 15's, 2 sets of 10's and 5's in the first week of each then dropping that to one set in the second week. How effective this will be will depend on what I said in #1, your increments, your frequency and your Diet.
3.Muscle memory is based on fiber isoform type and the predominant shift during loading, since you had been actively lifting before it is a good chance that you will see a shift in Type II isoform, this is a good thing.
4.The main emphasis should be on the difference in starting and end weights. A larger difference allows for larger increments and hence more overload to the tissue. The smaller weights in the beginning when loading the tissue more frequently can provide a good stimulus and good results but if you have a great adversion to working so low then start a little higher, I doubt it will make that much of a difference.