Correlation between B/B and D/B bench press


HST Expert
Hi All

I have been thinking, as I often have to train alone, that is when my 15 year old son is not around to help, what would be the equivalent for bench press using d/b's instead of the bar, I have a nice machine but it does not allow for doing bench alone! Besides being extra dangerous trying that :D

Been there, done that, my son was about 6 or 7, I tried a smith bench with a weight I was normally confortable with for a normal bench
got stuck and ther was no one in the gym, took me a while to get out and eventually I got it, sure learn't my lesson

Now seriously, what would be equivalent to say 77 kgs or 171 pounds ? :confused:

Anyone got ideas?

At one stage my BB 5RM was 75kgs and that translated to 30kgs DBs. It prob. takes an extra workout to get used to the extra co-ordination, esp. moving from smith machine.

Possibly 32.5kgs? Maybe 27.5kgs? Depending on leverage, arm length, form etc.

Thanks a lot

Just what I was thinking of, just needed some confirmation.

Need not worry about co-ordination, its just like driving a new car, half an hour and I'll be with it!


When I'm working out my HST cycle I always work out Bench and Dumbell press weights in case the bench is taken, I work it out so my bench is the combined weight of the dumbells plus 10kg, always seems to be about right, is pretty close to Jester's situation too.

Why don't you start using dumbells at the start of a cycle and then you don't need to worry about them being too heavy and if you've started too light you get a couple of extra increments and if you've started too heavy you can just not increment between a couple of sessions?



Thanks for the suggestions.

My biggest problem, besides somtimes not having a partner either than my eldest son (only 15 and still growing) :confused: is that the weights I have a way too big for the d/b's I mean 10 Kg plates are already big 15's are just too big and then one can't really use then for the intended exercise.

I work out at home, what I am thinking of is aqcuiring a nice set of long enough d/b that I can load with say 7.5 Kg plates and that I can add a few of the devils, befiore th d/b is full.

I was just trying to figure out what I can tweak when in a catch 22, if you know what I mean.
