New Member
Hi all, new to this place, and finding it very intruiging.
I'm 25 yrs old, classic ectomorph, longer in the legs, and arms, and used to weigh 118 pounds @ 5'10, and after eating healthily and doing 3-4 months of 2 day a week HIT training, I'm now just under 160 pounds. (no supplements or shakes - just healthy food). I had very well conditioned muscles before I started lifting weights - worked as a truck stacker, naturally lean, good vascularity, etc - just very thin.
Admittedly, a lot of this weight has been gained on my glutes, quads, and hams, but my arms have thickened out quite a bit, and my shoulders and lats have developed nicely. My chest has also become a bit more "3d" but is laggin behind (probably because the only exercise i do for chest is weighted leaning dips).
I do each exercise once a week, and split my body up into 2 days (mon and fri).
here are the exercises i've been using:
*Squats - 20 rep breathing style (parallel) - 1 set each week
*SL deadlifts - 2 sets of 5-7 reps once a week
*Weighted chins - 2 sets once a week
*Weighted leaning dips - 2 sets once a week
*Bent Over Rows - 2 sets a week
*Military Presses - 2 sets a week
*Standing Calf Raises - 2 sets a week
*Barbell Curls - 2 sets a week
*somtimes if i have time i'll throw in dumbell preacher hammers, and/or skull crushers
I've found that I have a knack for SL deadlifts - Last week I lifted 220 pounds 2 sets of 5 reps (my forearms gave out early - i don't use wrist wraps or gloves, but will start using chalk), so I'd like to incorporate this exercise into my HST plan when I'm ready. I also bend my knees slightly while doing the deadlift. (perhaps 15-25 degrees)
I have never done any leg presses, leg curls, or leg extensions, but am open to the suggestion that I should start.
I've noticed that with most of my exercises, I can only lift half the reps on my second set - this is especially so with chins, barbell curls, and dips. I go to failure on the first set at around 8 reps, but on second i can only pull 4 if i'm lucky - sometimes 2 or 3. And this is with a 3-5 minute break in between and plenty of water, and without any form of pyramidding (my weight remains constant for both sets). I wonder if this will give anyone some clues as to my physiological makeup?
I don't think I warmup properly (yet) - for chins i use a pulldown machine for 15 light reps, and for dips i do 15 pushups, and i do 5-7 min of light cycling before my workout. Sometimes for bent overs and SL deads, i'll do 15 reps of a lighter weight, but that's about it.
I also don't have a training partner, which is one reason I never started doing incline presses.
Since I work and have school, it is impractical for me to do the am/pm 3 days a week, however I am certainly able to find time to do 3 days a week in the evenings.
My left arm is also significantly weaker (tho not as much now) than my right - due to an injury where i snapped my left arm in half, and was never given rehab or told about it (i was 16 at the time). This is really only a hinderance in barbell curls, which means I should probably switch to dumbell curls. (i'm @ 80 pound barbell curls but can only do 5 reps on first set, tho it's after 2 sets of weighted chins, and 2 sets of bent over rows, so biceps by then are fairly low on energy)
Squats I've constantly been reforming my form, and each time i do so i start over at 95 pounds - at current i'm doing 100-105 pounds with what i think is perfect form to parallel at 15-20 reps.
I am having major problems with my military presses. I find that after the bar reaches my head, I can't help arching my back - i've even tried sitting down on a bench with back support, but my back still arches - and i think i've sustained a minor bruise on one of my lumbar (half way down my back).
With skull crushers I also find the motion weird - not sure what the proper form is, and it's hard to keep elbows motionless unless someone is holding them...
Now that I've given my background, perhaps someone can give me some advice on how to design a productive HST routine - I think I understand the basics - 2 week blocks with each rep range - 9-12 day layoffs after each cycle, etc - what I'm more concerned here is selecting exercises (e.g. I want to incorporate incline presses to supplement my weighted dips)
Also - the dipping bars are only about 50-60 centimetres apart (from memory) - is that wide enough for leaning dips that hit the chest? I've also heard that to hit the chest u don't have to lean forward, but have to use wide dipping bars - i'm a bit confused about this.
Another thing I'm curious about - are incline curls, if done correctly, not more effective, since the weight is going against gravity for more of the motion? (one of the few things I gleaned from the AJ's Nautilus bulletins)
If it will help, I will post some pics (before and after)
thanks in advance to anyone who's patient enough to read
edit: just came across some info on another thread, and realized that I've been doing Romanian Deadlifts rather than Stiff legged!
I'm 25 yrs old, classic ectomorph, longer in the legs, and arms, and used to weigh 118 pounds @ 5'10, and after eating healthily and doing 3-4 months of 2 day a week HIT training, I'm now just under 160 pounds. (no supplements or shakes - just healthy food). I had very well conditioned muscles before I started lifting weights - worked as a truck stacker, naturally lean, good vascularity, etc - just very thin.
Admittedly, a lot of this weight has been gained on my glutes, quads, and hams, but my arms have thickened out quite a bit, and my shoulders and lats have developed nicely. My chest has also become a bit more "3d" but is laggin behind (probably because the only exercise i do for chest is weighted leaning dips).
I do each exercise once a week, and split my body up into 2 days (mon and fri).
here are the exercises i've been using:
*Squats - 20 rep breathing style (parallel) - 1 set each week
*SL deadlifts - 2 sets of 5-7 reps once a week
*Weighted chins - 2 sets once a week
*Weighted leaning dips - 2 sets once a week
*Bent Over Rows - 2 sets a week
*Military Presses - 2 sets a week
*Standing Calf Raises - 2 sets a week
*Barbell Curls - 2 sets a week
*somtimes if i have time i'll throw in dumbell preacher hammers, and/or skull crushers
I've found that I have a knack for SL deadlifts - Last week I lifted 220 pounds 2 sets of 5 reps (my forearms gave out early - i don't use wrist wraps or gloves, but will start using chalk), so I'd like to incorporate this exercise into my HST plan when I'm ready. I also bend my knees slightly while doing the deadlift. (perhaps 15-25 degrees)
I have never done any leg presses, leg curls, or leg extensions, but am open to the suggestion that I should start.
I've noticed that with most of my exercises, I can only lift half the reps on my second set - this is especially so with chins, barbell curls, and dips. I go to failure on the first set at around 8 reps, but on second i can only pull 4 if i'm lucky - sometimes 2 or 3. And this is with a 3-5 minute break in between and plenty of water, and without any form of pyramidding (my weight remains constant for both sets). I wonder if this will give anyone some clues as to my physiological makeup?
I don't think I warmup properly (yet) - for chins i use a pulldown machine for 15 light reps, and for dips i do 15 pushups, and i do 5-7 min of light cycling before my workout. Sometimes for bent overs and SL deads, i'll do 15 reps of a lighter weight, but that's about it.
I also don't have a training partner, which is one reason I never started doing incline presses.
Since I work and have school, it is impractical for me to do the am/pm 3 days a week, however I am certainly able to find time to do 3 days a week in the evenings.
My left arm is also significantly weaker (tho not as much now) than my right - due to an injury where i snapped my left arm in half, and was never given rehab or told about it (i was 16 at the time). This is really only a hinderance in barbell curls, which means I should probably switch to dumbell curls. (i'm @ 80 pound barbell curls but can only do 5 reps on first set, tho it's after 2 sets of weighted chins, and 2 sets of bent over rows, so biceps by then are fairly low on energy)
Squats I've constantly been reforming my form, and each time i do so i start over at 95 pounds - at current i'm doing 100-105 pounds with what i think is perfect form to parallel at 15-20 reps.
I am having major problems with my military presses. I find that after the bar reaches my head, I can't help arching my back - i've even tried sitting down on a bench with back support, but my back still arches - and i think i've sustained a minor bruise on one of my lumbar (half way down my back).
With skull crushers I also find the motion weird - not sure what the proper form is, and it's hard to keep elbows motionless unless someone is holding them...
Now that I've given my background, perhaps someone can give me some advice on how to design a productive HST routine - I think I understand the basics - 2 week blocks with each rep range - 9-12 day layoffs after each cycle, etc - what I'm more concerned here is selecting exercises (e.g. I want to incorporate incline presses to supplement my weighted dips)
Also - the dipping bars are only about 50-60 centimetres apart (from memory) - is that wide enough for leaning dips that hit the chest? I've also heard that to hit the chest u don't have to lean forward, but have to use wide dipping bars - i'm a bit confused about this.
Another thing I'm curious about - are incline curls, if done correctly, not more effective, since the weight is going against gravity for more of the motion? (one of the few things I gleaned from the AJ's Nautilus bulletins)
If it will help, I will post some pics (before and after)
thanks in advance to anyone who's patient enough to read

edit: just came across some info on another thread, and realized that I've been doing Romanian Deadlifts rather than Stiff legged!