Creatin ,Protein and AM/PM


New Member
Hi !

I'm a newcomer to HST. today is my last day of SD and tommorow I will begin my first HST cycle.

I will do an AM/PM routine, my first and probably last one, as I am about to become a father soon...

I will also start using creatin tommorow, as well as HSN Driver/DrivePlus.

* How much creatin should I take before each workout?
* Should I take creatin after each workout as well? How much?
* What about the off days? Should I take any creatin on those?
* How much whey protein before each workout, and  how much of the slow Driver protein after each workout?
* Will it be a good idea to drink some Driver stuff before I go to sleep?

Let me remind you once again that I will be training twice a day, three times a week.

(Hammer-Man @ Feb. 26 2006,03:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1. How much creatin should I take before each workout?
2. Should I take creatin after each workout as well? How much?
3. What about the off days? Should I take any creatin on those?
4. How much whey protein before each workout, and  how much of the slow Driver protein after each workout?
5. Will it be a good idea to drink some Driver stuff before I go to sleep?

1. 5 grams daily or there abouts

2. no

3. yes

4. 1 serving

5. doesn't matter

6. Welcome