creatine and alcohol


New Member
I'm about to start using creatine and am slightly concerned of the effect of alcohol consumption. Presumably this will lessen the effect (not exactly helpful to muscle building anyway lets face it!) and I'm also assuming that I'll need to drink shed loads of water after drinking as it dehydrates you anyway and this effect will be increaased by creatine use.

Anything else to be worried about?

and yes I know drinking isn't great for gains but I only go out and get completely wasted once or at most twice a week and lay off the rest of the time so give me a break! :D
Well 53 people have viewed this post but no-one has replied, anybody got any advice?

I appreciate people may think I shouldn't drink if I'm serious about bodybuilidng, well I'm not a bodybuilder but I am a fairly dedicated trainer who wants to improve his physique. I've done a lot of research regarding nutrition, supplements and training protocls (the latter having led me here for now), I eat very well within reason and I try to live as healthily as possible, I'm actually trying to cut down on alcohol too but I know I'll still drink sometimes so just wanted to know if there;s anything I should be worried about re: creatine and alcohol....
You should be more concerned with the effect of alcohol on muscle growth itself. Alcohol prevents muscle growth by directly inhibiting protein synthesis, and eventually leads to muscle wasting disease in 2/3 of chronic alcohol drinkers (alcoholics).
First of thanks very much mike, appreciate those links

Brian - I hope I didn't give the impression that I'm an alcoholic! At University I was out getting drunk frequently, I've tried to cut down since and especially as I've got mroe serious about training. I cut out all drinking beer here and there but once or twice a week would still get completely wasted. I'm starting to realise that this probably isn't too hot for my liver let alone good for bodybuilding, in addition I'm fed up with feeling like rubbish the next day, the amount it costs, the fact that half the time you don't remember much and just assume you had a good time and the fact I use it to feel moer comfortable when I'm out, more confident etc. So for all those reasons and because of bodybuilding (particularly starting creatine) I'm attempting to give up or at least drastically cut down (cold turkey might be too much!). Went out last thursday, haven't drank a drop since and am going to attempt to go out and have fun without drinking - wish me luck!