Creatine cramps


New Member
Recently I had an episode similar to another one I had one year ago: while executing the last rep of a 5RM leg press 3-set session, I had a muscle pain somewhere between my lower back and gluteus, on my right side. I had to walk carefully not to hurt myself and bending over my waist was absolutely something I could not do. I recall having this pain in exactly the same place about one year ago but while doing cable row. A quick medical examination dictated a contracture, a long-during muscle contraction in the area, with no injury whatsoever
. Within a few days time, the muscle should go into normal relaxed state (as I can already feel it). The first time it happened I had been on creatine for something like 4 weeks. This time the same happened: I had been on creatine for 4 weeks and had just stopped (that exact day it happened). As I heard of muscle cramps while on creatine, I couldn't help wondering if THIS could be it. I always imagined creatine cramps like the cramps one sometimes has in a foot or calf, not a big deal thing and very short in duration. Can anybody tell me if this could be somehow related to creatine? My usual dose is about the tip of  teaspoon (approx. 1/6 of the spoon) a day in the morning.

Most likely not the creatine. Creatine cramps are more like the regular cramps you get in your calf, etc...

Sounds like something to do with your form on the leg press causing muscle strain in your lower back. Pretty common to have back spasms, strains, pulls, sciatica, and so forth if your glutes raise even the slightest off the seat while leg pressing especially with heavier loads, because more strain is put on the lumbar region. Some leg press machines can put some shearing force on your lower vertebrae as well, so even more risk there. If you are accustomed to using really full ROM on the leg press, you may need to decrease your ROM especially during heavy loads, and really pull your butt down onto the seat.