Creatine on lifting days only


New Member
Is this a feasible alternative to taking creatine everyday? I was thinking that this may be an alternative to cycling after reading in the FAQ that cycling may not be completely necessary. Also the fact that you don't flush creatine completely out of your system in a day (thus the every other day idea). What's everyones opinion?
There isn't really any benefit to this. Creatine only exerts its effects once the cell is saturated with creatine. It has no "acute" effects. In other words, creatine doesn't do anything while it is floating around in the body.

Regardless of whether you load in 1 week, or load over the course of a few weeks, you don't get the real benefits of creatine use until after your muscle cells are saturated with creatine.
Thanks Bryan. So let me see if I've got this straight. Once I've loaded it doesn't matter if I take a maintenance dose every day or every other day...because my cells are saturated already and won't excrete much per day anyway. Correct?

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