Creatine Questions


New Member
I'm thinking of supplementing with Creatine and wanted to get the feedback of those on the forum who have opinions on its worth. If you have used it yourself, I have a couple of questions I wanted to ask before making my decision.
First, I know that creatine draws a lot of water into the muscles and that its pretty common to gain about 5lbs of water weight when first supplementing with it. Its a vain question, but does this water retention make someone at a lower bodyfat appear more "smooth," to use bbing lingo.
Second, what impact might this have on my strength-endurance. I understand that it may allow one to temporarily sustain a longer peak effort during sets, etc.. Any validity to this?
And lastly, what other physical changes--positive and negative--has anyone who's used it notice while on creatine?
Thanks in advance