

New Member

I'm using HS creatine and training twice a day, three days a week. On "off" days I do cardio twice a day. How much creatine should I be taking and when? (BTW I'm under 200 lbs)

Thank you
Normally you would take 0.03 x body weight (kilos) in creatine per day. This coems out to about 3 grams per day for an average 220 lb guy. Mot everybody takes more than this however with an average intake of 5 grams per day.

My suggestion would be for you to spilt your daily dose in half and take half before each workout session regardless of the type of exercise.
Rippt, Bryan's advice will provide more efficient uptake of the creatine. But bear in mind that the creatine you take today does not really help you today. . . it's the elevated creatine stores in your cells that have built up over several weeks that give you the benefit. The creatine you take today ensures that you still have those elevated levels tomorrow.

So if you've been taking creatine for a while, don't fret too much about two-days and how to spread the creatine, and if you miss a dose, don't expect performance in that session to decrease at all. Keep taking it before workouts whenever possible -- that's the best way to ensure maximum uptake into the muscles during/after your workout.

I bring this up not because you don't know, but because there surely are others who don't make the connection. I just read an article about the recent research finding increased mental capacity when loaded on creatine, and the author suggests that dosing with creatine while cramming the night before an exam may become "in voge," but that just wouldn't work. It's not the way creatine works.