critique my bulking diet for HST

I'll be starting my HST program sept. 26th and I just made my bulking does it look? Does it look clean enough? Should I make some pretty good gains with this setup? What do you think? I'm strict with my diet so it'll be just as you see here, to prove my dedication that I won't stray from the diet here's how far i've come, this took about 10 months:

My stats are:
my weight right now is around 157-160lbs
i'm probably a mesomorph with a few endomorph tendencies

Thank you to anyone who decides to help!



PRE-BREAKFAST: 1 GXR, 1 Lean green, Multi
BREAKFAST: Sesathin, 2 grams fish oil (20 cal, 2 f, 0 c, 0 p)
French toast: 2 slices whole wheat bread (138 cal, 2 f, 24 c, 6 p)
2 eggs w/ 2tbsp. skim milk (171 cal, 11 f, 2 c, 16 p)
¼ cup sugar free syrup (32 cal, 0 f, 8 c, 0 p)
2 scrambled egg w/ chopped onions (155 cal, 11 f, 2 c, 12 p)
Cereal: 1 cup Kashi Go-Lean Crunch (207 cal, 3 f, 36 c, 9 p)
1 cup fat free milk (80 cal, 0 f, 12 c, 8 p)
Total: (803 cal, 29 f, 84 c, 51 p)
Whey Shake: 1 scoop (30g) Cytosport (129 cal, 1 f, 2 c, 28 p)
1 cup fat free milk (80 cal, 0 f, 12 c, 8 p)
.5 cups oatmeal (155 cal, 3 f, 27 c, 5 p)
Total: (364 cal, 4 fat, 41 c, 41 p)
LUNCH: Sesathin, 2 grams fish oil (20 cal, 2 f, 0 c, 0 p)
Pita Bread: 3 pockets (138 cal, 0 f, 28.5 c, 6 p)
4oz chicken breast (160 cal, 1 f, 0 c, 27 p)
Tomatoes, onions, cilantro
Total: (318 cal, 3 f, 28.5 c, 33 p)

PWO Supplements: 1 GXR, 1 Lean green
PWO SHAKE: 2 scoops (60g) Cytosport (258 cal, 2 f, 4 c, 56 p)
Pita Bread: 3 pockets (138 cal, 0 f, 28.5 c, 6 p)
1.5 cup ground turkey w/onions and garlic (226.5 cal, 10.5 f, 0 c, 33 p)
Chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro
Sides: 1 cup mashed yams (160 cal, 0 f, 38 c, 2 p)
Total: (524.5 cal, 10.5 f, 66.5 c, 41 p)
DINNER: 2 grams fish oil (20 cal, 2 f, 0 c, 0 p)
Meatloaf: 1 serving (247 cal, 7 f, 16 c, 30 p)
½ cup brown rice (150 cal, 1 f, 33 c, 4 p)
Total: (417 cal, 10 f, 49 c, 34 p)
Casein Shake: 2 scoops (75g) Muscle Milk (348 cal, 18 f, 12 c, 32 p)
1 cup fat free milk (80 cal, 0 f, 12 c, 8 p)
Total: (428 cal, 18 f, 24 c, 40 p)
Grand Total: (3112.5 cal, 76.5 f, 297 c, 296 p)
Macro: 22% fats, 38% carb, 38% protein
Looking good..As i dont have to energy to calculate total protein intake is say that you may want to tweak it up a little bit. Make sure you get 1g of protein / lbs . Also i would suggest to eat more solid food rather than consuming shakes throughout the day. How much do you get fibers?

You have to just test it and see how it goes. If you are putting weight then you are the right track but dont overdo it...
yeah, I don't want to add more then a pound a week...for the total amount of cals I'm taking in, does it look like it correlates well with my weight or is too much or too little? Also, does my supplementation look ok? I'll be dosing sesathin twice a day with meals and GXR with my high carb meals.

This is not rocket science :D When bulking you have to estimate yourself if your gains are just fat (then check your training) or if you dont gain at all check you diet. Mirrow is a great help!

Why are using something like GXR? I dont see any point except losing your money. Only supplements that i would advise are protein, maltodextrose, creatine, glutamine, fish oils and multivitamins.
Umm.. wheres the dextrose for PWO? You need to replenish muscle glycogen asap. 2:1 ratio of carbs:protein, preferably dextrose, maltodextrin or glucose. An hour after that, have you pita bread/chicken meal.