Critique program and help with Neg


New Member
I just started HST and read the directions and basic format, but have been still perusing through the lists and notice a ton of variations... Basically was curious if this was a good starting program and if there are any glaring weaknesses the more experienced users of this may be able to help me with...

I do the 3 times a week. Week 1-2 2*15  Week 3-4 2*10 Week 5-6 2*5  Week 7-8 Negs (Unsure on Sets and rep)

Squat (Stiff Leg Deadlift)
Leg Curl
Dcl Bench (Dips)
Chins (Pullups)
Barbell Row
Bicep preacher curl (Incline curl)
Triceps skull crushers (Pushdowns)
Calves machine based (Other ideas)
Wrist curl ups

I do all of those that are not in parenthesis, but I'm curious if I should on the second week or maybe starting on the third week switch excercises to the ones in parenthesis.  Also should I add dips in as a regular excercise I noticed a lot of people had both bench and dips?  Also what do I do for negatives?  Thank you for any advice you can give me and if you would like to reply directly to my email [email protected] with appropriate subject or it will just get deleted... Thanks for any help and any other pointers you can give me..
There is an absolute TON of posts that basically all say the same thing with a lot of your questions, search for "newbie" or "critique" and you will find it.

However, one thing that's not discussed much is neg volume, probably because not many people do negs (cause they don't have training partners). I think Bryan's recommendation is 6 reps with your 2RM weight, 2 concentric reps, then 4 eccentric (negative) reps. Whether you do 1 or 2 sets of this would depend a lot on your joints, fatigue etc.