
Outside of checkups, I quit benching with a bar about two years ago. D/B's rule! I always had a weak bench anyway. Your numbers are big for just starting. It'll be interesting to see how you progress.
dips and incline-bench
Man, dips are hard!
And good. Today did the wide-grip dips with 15 lb.s on my belt, the pecs really get stretched out and the serratus comes into play at the top of the movement. Afterward my pecs were pumped and swollen more than they ever have been from benching, my ribcage/clavicles are not built for benching, I like decline bench much better than flat bench, and dips are better than both!
Leige and SF...you guys need to read Steve Jones latest post about increasing bench thru rotator cuff work. It was inspiring. I may need to heed it too, since my bench has always been my weakest exersize.
Don't hate me man, but the 5x5 is working it's stuff: wide dips (36") is hitting 105x8 at 213lbs. after ramping at 55x10, 80x10.
How are you coming along now? It's been a while.
Actually I am back to benching again since my interest in powerlifting started. I realize alot of the pain I experienced was simply from poor form. I am now relearning the bench press from a powerlifter's perspective. Drive with the whole body, keep shoulder blades squeezed tight together, grip the bar tightly, and keep the elbows in a tight position, not flared out, etc, etc.
We're so much alike. I've just started benching again while doing the rotator exersizes, but may stop if there's trouble in my shoulder. I probably shouldn't be benching until the rotators are strengthened, since Steve did that and gained, what, 40 lbs. to his bench without even benching? But I wanted to see how strong I still was and do something different, now that my D/B's maxed out. I've lost a little strength there by not training for it, of course.
I'm in a mixed up place lately.
I only using light weights and lots of sets to 'learn' how to bench properly. Lately just 135 to 155 lb.s for 5 sets of 5. I am not going any higher on bench until I am happy with my rotator cuff strength.