Direct Neck Work

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do any of you guys do anything to directly work your neck?

I'm considering doing rolling neck bridges (which I haven't done since my wrestling days).... and these (exrx link)

I don't have a neck harness and my gym doesn't have any fancy neck machines...but I'm curious to know what you guys are up to in this area.
I just take an occasional walk through the local college campus. That's usually enough to give my neck a workout

(though not so much during the long, cold, winter months...
My neck is usually 19"...enough to where I had to cut out the collar of my manta ray; and I never work neck. I read somewhen that most BB'ers get large necks from the isometric tension and diet, although I do see guys with large upper bodies and skinny necks here and there. Genetics.
A quick device is an old football helmet with a bolt throught the put weights on the bolt and roll your head around.
Have you ever seen a muscular guy with a tiny pencil-neck? It's not pretty. If a person were developing nicely, except for a scrawny neck, than he should do neck-work. Of course certain athletes should do it too.

When I do pull-overs, I feel quite a strain in the neck. It feels more like a static hold-type strain, but I consider that some sort of neck-work. I don't do anything else.
I'm not necessarily so much concerned w/ hypertrophy in my neck. 19" is flippin' huge. Mine is 17.5".

I've got neck pain that's becoming chronic (occassional neck strains since the beginning of last summer). Every other time I've had pain, exercising has been a good remedy. That's my purpose anway. I'm sure there are a plethora of reasons to do direct neck work... logic is that since my neck hurts, I need to gradually build up to exercising it thoroughly. And I'm thinking through some of the ways to go about this process.

Thus far I've been doing neck bridges, the exercise from above exrx link, and a yoga video (which my wife thinks is hilarious).

In the past, I've always considered my neck pretty strong. I ride motorcycles and wearing that helmet on a day's ride is an exercise unto itself.
Good topic. I want my neck to be rather large so I figured I should do some shrugs with heavy weight. I plan on adding it for my next cycle. I might even see about adding some form of calv raises with heavy weight. Maybe some form of barbell raises. I will just re-rack the weight after a rep or set.
Place a towel around a weight plate. Then place weight on forehead as head lays off the end of bench. Next pull chin towards chest. Begin with very light weight.

I like neck bridges. Most of the combat athletes i have been around use neck bridges.

Coach Hale
I like your homemade solution Quad.

I intend on doing neck work soon. It is a visable sign of muscularity, and its pretty important, seeing as it attaches your head to your body. You can purchase a nylon neck harness for 10 dollars at, maker of boxing equipment. Take it to the gym with you. That's what I'll be doing. I tried neck bridges last summer but ended up straining something. I thought about going back to them with a little more caution but concluded that I would rather have a harness. With the neck bridge it is more difficult to measure and thus detect strength gains. With a harness one need only count the plates to see if he is progressing. I've done the weight in towel technique as well but eventually we will need more weight then we can comfortably hold on our faces. If you outgrow the nylon model you can always buy something more heavy duty (and more comfortable) from local or online retailers. Cost is usually 30 - 50 dollars. If the gym doesn't have it, obtain one yourself. Management won't bother you.

HST principles apply to neck muscles the same way they do to arms, thighs, and chest. If you cannot progress, you cannot grow. Harness all the way.