Well , He basically says and expounds a bit on the same things he's always said. It's very interesting in contrast to "the rest" of the industry and what they spout.
At one points he speaks on how he sees his place in the "evolution" of HIT with Arthur Jones conceiving the initial ideas, Mentzer building on them, and himself tweaking further refinements in the school of thought. It would have been interesting if he had gone a step further and mentioned Dante's (DoggCrapp) system as the step after him (he didn't) as he is no doubt aware of D.C.'s further advancement of HIT and the current popularity of that particular template.
Many people have an impression that he just pyramided up to a top "heavy" set and that the major difference in his training was his calling that top set the working set - the net is full of scoffers saying that he was in reality doing volume training with all the warm ups. His detailed explaination of how he approached a work out and his warm ups was in reality extremely minimal (begging the question "perhaps if he'd warmed up in a more conventional manner would he have incurred the injuries?"

He quotes percentages of the working set for his two warm up sets before the first movement of his workout -then just one warm up for the next movement etc. You really get a full picture of where he was coming from in his training.
He mentioned his disdain of today's "team of trainers/guru" addicted competitors and says that he views relying on someone else to take the responsibility for the success or failure irks him - he seems to have enjoyed the studying the log book and getting to know your own body and whats best for it thing as much as the actual lifting itself.
He currently works out 3x/wk as business commitments allow and does HIIT and kick boxing for cardio. Near the end he (somewhat abruptly) cut's off the interviewers reading of a "written in from a listener question" regarding how the questioner looked great 3 weeks out and then after beginning to manipulate sodium looked like crap - by pointing out that the questioner had answered his own question - giving me the impression that this isn't a guy you want to be asking dumb questions of, and that this is a guy who doesn't miss the obvious by searching for the over complicated.
Detailed questions on the subjects of dieting, bulking and nutrition were answered in a very detailed way - this guy is impressive in how he manages to be so freaking detailed about simplicity.
Over all he came across as intelligent, articulate , and a guy who really knows his stuff and could give a rats anus whether current "consensual-reality" agrees or not. The absence of anything "flashy" or "gimmicky" in his philosophies and answers was quite refreshing compared to how most of these sort of things seem to go.
I kept thinking that a round table discussion with Him, Stewart McRoberts, and Charles Poliquin would be perhaps one of the most interesting of that type of internet events I could imagine .